I Reviewed EVERY Roguelite & Roguelike I've Played [20+ Games, 1 Minute Each]

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I review every roguelite and roguelike game that I've every played in this video for a fun challenge. Each review is around 1 minute long, and I reviewed my favorite, best roguelites, my top roguelikes, random roguelikes in my steam library, new roguelites, and classic roguelites and roguelikes that helped start the genre. If you enjoy roguelite games or roguelike games, let me know if there are any other roguelikes or roguelites that you would like me to review!

Intro: 0:00
Nuclear Throne: 0:20
FTL: Faster Than Light: 1:17
Into the Breach: 2:14
Hades: 3:00
Enter the Gungeon: 3:47
Wizard of Legends: 4:44
Moonlighter: 5:52
Dungeon of the Endless: 6:48
Dead Cells: 7:45
Slay the Spire: 8:35
Monster Train: 9:32
Griftlands: 10:29
Neoverse: 11:33
Dicey Dungeons: 12:40
Darkest Dungeon: 13:32
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: 14:30
Void Bastards: 15:32
Ziggurat: 16:28
Risk of Rain 2: 17:19
Binding of Isaac Rebirth: 18:25
Spelunky: 19:28
Rogue Legacy: 20:23

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Here are some links to some of my longer reviews:

#Roguelites #Roguelikes #IndieGames
If you're interested, please subscribe and like this video. Hope that you enjoyed my video reviewing all of these games!
Рекомендации по теме

“I have a love hate relationship with darkest dungeon.”

I’m pretty sure anyone who enjoys the game, including me, does


What a wonderful channel to just stumble upon


Wow, it's such a professionally made video. The mic quality, the overall look and no "ummm" "ah" etc. every two sentences. I just stumbled upon it and as I was watching I thought you had like 1 million subs, at least! I loved the quick, "no useless info" approach to it as well. Keep doing your thing and I hope you grow on YouTube because you sound like a professional reviewer and definitely deserve it.


Risk of rain 2 is so good. I slept so much on it, wasn’t sur rig I would like it but holy shit it sucked me in


"Enter the Gungeon is kinda slow." Tonic the Sledgedog wants a word with you.


The fact that issac has gone from a default-goto to a cult classic made me feel old, what game are kids play these days


What a channel for the YouTube algorithm to randomly throw my way.. it must have heard me talking to my friends in discord about my favorite roguelites! Great video dude


During the entire Spelunky section I was just screaming ”THERE’S A RUN BUTTON”


Criminally underrated channel for sure. Great voiceover, great editing and informative for someone who's dabbled in the roguelike/lite genre. You definitely deserve more subs


Who else is grateful when you just click the video and then there's a timestamp and game name on desc


playing the binding of isaac without enabling the hud that tells you the stats and what item you've picked up is pure madness lmao


I highly suggest trying out “Children of Morta” for a dungeon crawling rogue lite with quite a few different characters to play as. It also has an actual story with lot of voice acting.


Enter the gungeon is just a must play classic


That feels like an... unfair review of Isaac. A good part of the difficulty is only being able to shoot in the 4 cardinal directions. There are a few items that allow you to shoot anywhere, but they come with their own downsides. I also think that the unknown nature of the items is fun, as it adds another layer of skill; learning what they all do and how they synergize with each other to make powerful combos (such as ludo + brimstone). Plus, even if that’s not your thing, the top mod in the workshop is a mod that tells you what every item does by standing next to it. Granted, to use the workshop instead of third-party loaders you need the afterbirth DLC, but it’s COMPLETELY worth it for the amount of content it adds.


I suggest checking out Gunfire Reborn! Early access with a borderlands feel


I love darkest dungeon so much not only because I love the gameplay, but because of the art and aesthetic. I really enjoy that Mike Mignola eldritch horror aesthetic. Great video!


oh no, when the enemies in risk of rain 2 become bullet sponges, you've already lost- the entire challenge is to speed ypur way through the levels and get the items so you dont fall behind on the difficulty curve


I feel like Wizard of legend is one of the roguelites that's massively polarizing. I personally love the game, and the skill cap is low enough that I was able to play the co-op with my non-gamer girlfriend, but I can understand how some people wouldn't like it given some of the strange mechanics, and decently high knowledge requirement. Love the whole video though, thanks for exposing me to new rogue lites!


Whenever you say "Classic rougelikes" have started the genre, its more of a modern resurgence. The genre begins in describing games that were similar to UNIX based PC game: Rouge. A newsgroup (email), for players of Rogue (1980), Hack (1982) ever hear the term "hack 'n slash"?, Moria (1983, Tolkien stuff), created and defined the term "rouguelike" and the influence would later lead to things such as Diablo (1997) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (2005) in between the years. All this comes way before Spelunky (2008) existed. If you read all that history, give a go at Crypt of the Necrodancer, it was unlisted in the video and is a real fun one, play on the beat to reach the stage end, fantastic music. Coin Crypt is a gem in the rough, a deckbuilding style game with lots of characters each having their own ruleset to the game.


Really nice video!

Edit: I think you should check out Crypt of the Necrodancer, its somewhat but not very old (came out in 2015), but have been enjoying it
Edit 2: If you want something a bit more new, I would suggest Ring of Pain
