Avoid These 7 Scams in Morocco | Morocco Travel 2023

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Although Morocco is a beautiful country with a rich cultural history and stunning landscapes, it’s also notorious for its many scams and tourist traps that can be frustrating and disappointing for travelers.
This video will provide insights into the 7 most common scams in Moroccan cities that are popular with tourists, such as Marrakech or Fez.

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I only have one way to avoid scams when I travel; I don’t speak or make eye contact with anyone on the streets. 😂


The scams are so bad here in Morocco that we have a kind of anxiety when going to another city especially when dealing with taxis. It has really made us dislike Morocco. We will just get a rental car next time and use tour guides, would not recommend Morocco for budget, new travellers who are not travel tough.


I loved Morocco as a country. But the people were too much. Scammed everywhere from the hotel porter to people on the street all looking for a handout. Visiting a leather and we were literally locked in until we purchased something. Even though we liked nothing. It is a pity because Morocco has a lot to offer but scammers ruin it for everyone.


I guess there are so much tourist traps around the world. I like your suggestions Wes.


Please please be honest with your viewers. 🚨 They do NOT treat the animals with care. The monkeys are often beaten and starved and made to dance in stupid outfits. The snakes are usually de-fanged, mistreated and exploited for money. I’m in Marrakesh and have seen with my own eyes. Plus many others will attest to what I’m saying. BE HONEST!!!! 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾


as a Moroccan, this definitely saddens my heart, i was born in fez and grew up there, and luckily i was able to travel myself, see other parts of the world, but i can definitely agree with you, Fez is full of tourist traps, old or young will approach you for different kind of services, and sadly so many tourists fall for it, that's why they keep doing it, but the tourists doesn't understand one thing, the government has really invested in this kind of issues, so one call to the police can really solve this issue and those scammers will pay a heavy price, so as a moroccan born in a tourist city i'd say that it's completely safe a secure to go morocco, those scammers won't dare to touch you cause they know how the rules are strict when it comes to harming a foreigner, just go there and enjoy your experience, always bargain at lower than 50% of what they offer you at those stores in the old medinna, or just buy from souvenirs from a trusted store or online, and if someone keeps bothering you offering a tour guide or help, just decline nicely, but if that person insist, go ahead and call the police immediately, and tell them you have a fake tourist guide harassing you and asking for money, i swear those people will learn their lessons in the hardest way possible.


Thanks for the insights. It is frustrating to see and be in a place where irresponsible people take advantage of tourists.


Please remember: Poor farmers and artisans were hit hard during COVID19 Pandemic 2 year shutdown. When going to open markets anywhere travel with a guide trusted buddy & a map. Women never travel alone; travel in groups or with chaperones.
Wear sunglasses to avoid eye contact if necessary.


I’m from Morocco and yes this mostly happens to tourists because they think they’ll believe it easily but Morocco overall is such a beautiful country I recommend visiting it


These are all good tips, very helpful if I go to you are so friendly Wes, who would want to scam you?🤣🤔✊🏻


Hello !! I'm so so sorry. As a Moroccan, I'd like to tell you that not all my fellow citizens are like that. There are some who are vehemently opposed to tourist scams. As a journalist, I travel abroad, in countries poorer than mine, and I have the same experience as you. I often tell myself that these people are victims of the ignorance that prevails in their own environment, but I end up feeling sorry for them and give them a few coins, telling them not to take the piss out of tourists because it's bad for them. It's counterproductive, but I can't solve this kind of situation rationally.


Good video. These scams can happen, but as you say at the end, 99.99% of Moroccans are friendly, helpful, and incredibly generous. They will invite you into their homes, treat you to a wonderful dinner and give you the shirt off their back. Being firm and polite is the way to go. I lived there for three years (in Meknes and Rabat) and have never experienced so much warmth and kindness.


The more tourists get to know these scams the more (i hope) the scams will eventually stop.


It's not only in Morocco where these "tourist scamms" happen. Africa, South America, Europe, the USA, and Asia, all over the world. Check the taxi fare with your accommodation and ask guidance for shopping. Honestly, souvenir shopping is the best scamming opportunity. Bargain. That's the custom in many tourism dependent places. Say also NO to things you don't need.


Avoid specialy one of the most vicious Marrakech scamer : taxi Mustapha Chamharoc


May be a good trick would be to always say "No thanks, I live here, I know the city". And if he asks where do you live, what do you do etc, you just give him a short answer to make him lose interest. For instance, I would say that I help police to work on some international cases. Another good idea is to ask them for money, because you allegedly lost yours and now need help. These things would make them simply vanish.


Such an accurate recap of my experience there. Did you have any issues recording there? Could they see the camera or care?


I really liked a lot of things about Morocco when I visited but I will never go back for the simple reason that you had to be on your guard and aware at all times and you can never really relax because everywhere we went there were people trying to scam us or take advantage of us.

Not trusting anybody, second guessing everything everybody said to you, having to push away and say no to the dozens of people an hour who would run up to you and try to pressure you into buying something was exhausting.

If anybody approaches you in Morocco and you are a tourist, there is a 99.9% chance that they are trying to scam you, sell you something, or beg for money. I have been all over the world and the beggars in Morocco were out of control. Here in the states, people will wave to you from a distance, and usually politely ask you for some money. In Morocco, the beggars run right up to you and physically block your path, and put their hand up in front of your face and stare at you, waiting for you to give them some money. I had a lady slap my arm really hard when I sidstepped her when she was begging for my money.


Not in all big cities, mainly just Marrakesh and this started happening relatively recently, to a lesser extent in fez as well, must remember morocco is quite big and it has 16 regions the size of countries, with different mentalities and cultures and ethnicities, so you will not have the same experience in all regions..for example i am certain you wouldn't face these problems in Tangier.


I guess there are so much tourist traps around the world. I like your suggestions Wes
