Tom Delonge: UFOs, Physics, To The Stars Academy, Disinformation

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:10 Behind the scenes banter (prior to going live)
00:06:12 Curt's interest in the UFO phenomenon
00:07:18 Jim Semivan's introduction
00:10:07 Tom Delonge's interest in the UFO phenomenon
00:15:17 Why the scorn on the UFO topic?
00:19:02 What's going on at Skin Walker?
00:26:50 Cattle mutilation theories
00:28:59 Do the skeptics have a point?
00:35:52 Curt's journey delving into physics and UFOs
00:37:20 Government's perspective on UFOs (from former CIA employee Jim Semivan)
00:40:17 Best arguments AGAINST the UFO phenomenon
00:45:23 What was Tom told that "kept him up for days"
00:52:31 Why Lue Elizondo / Chris Mellon left the To The Stars Academy
00:55:50 TTSA a part of government disinformation?
01:03:28 Does the government have alien bodies?
01:05:27 Thumbnail reference about "beings"
01:07:40 The reason why astronomers don't find evidence of UFOs
01:11:54 Project Galileo and the scientific study of aliens
01:19:29 Opinion of Steven Greer and CE5
01:22:10 What can the audience do to further disclosure and learn more?

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"you cant't have a disinformation programme in the government, it is illegal" said the cia guy🤣🤣🤣


When someone from government tells they don’t cover up things that is an outright lie.. there are so many examples of it.


The moment when buddy was asked point blank "does the government have an alien body" and he his tongue instantly freezes, then he says "are you asking me?" (giving himself time to think) then "i'm not going to comment on that" and tom coming in to save him with a little That was one of the best pieces of evidence I've ever come across. It's very clear to me that the grey haired guy at least "thinks" it's true. Maybe someone lied to him - but he definitely thinks they do have an alien. Fricking awesome.


I love how this channel has such a variety of topics that you can lose your mind in
It’s literally a rabbit hole of amazing interesting knowledge
Really love Curt, all his work and all he’s done to really help educate us


It is significant when a physicist, a physics podcaster, a government official and a Ufoologist can come together to discuss UFOs in terms of physics. We are starting to make amazing progress.


Tom’s description of the meditative technique of CE5 used by Steven Greer (all those minds thinking the same thing at the same time) is EXACTLY what goes on in a Church, Synagogue, etc. whenever you gather and are of single purpose, it creates an energy. Same is true of mobs, concerts, and so on. Food for thought.


Love you guys! You are really appreciated. A lot has happened in this last year with congressional hearings and brave whistleblowers coming forward.


We all rolled our eyes when he said they wont/can't participate in disinformation right!? 🤣 He lost me there, we've never stopped doing "ops" on our own people. It's possible people have got into TTSA to feed Tom some B.S but we should keep pushing.


If he starts doing the “ I can’t tell you right now, but wait for a book or movie” I’m going to lose it. I want to believe this guy is on the side of releasing real information, but he always goes that route instead.


I was part of a military project called "SPOOCS", (Special Parapsychological Operations Of Covert Soldiers) in the late 80s at Ft. Jackson, SC. I believe it was a shoot off of MK-Ultra or Stargate. All I know for certain is my personal experience. I don't know if I just didn't make the cut or what, but once I made it to Ft. Hood, TX, my permanent duty station, I was cut out of the program. At least that's what I've put together. I woke up at Ft. Hood in the hospital with no recollection of the previous 5 month. I was told I was found unconscious at the bottom of a stairwell and placed in the base psyche ward because of my amnesia. As my memories began to unfold, the Dr.s told me that they were "delusional memories" my mind created to fill in the gaps, but as the years have gone by, my memories have been confirmed by many people that could corroborate my memories with their own anecdotal stories. I don't know if any records exist because I was cleared without orders after I agreed to drop the Congressional Investigation into what really happened.


This stream confirmed my suspicion.

Apparently, the best way to defend ourselves against UFO’s is to have cameras everywhere.

If they don’t like being recorded, just put out more cameras. Seems the more cameras there are in the world, the less you see them. The better camera tech gets, the farther away they are…


Hey Tom and fellow enthusiasts,

I've been on quite a journey with my experiences in this field over the years. What started as a joking icebreaker about aliens and UFOs in eastern Manatee County, Florida, turned into something profound for me. It became a fundamental part of who I am, shared with everyone close to me as one of the most important things to know about.

Witnessing a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) in that moment left me convinced that their technologies aren't just out there but right here with us, guiding and influencing in ways we're only starting to comprehend.

These phenomena seem to follow certain laws of physics, challenging our preconceived notions. It led me to reflect on the theory of music and its mystical connection to the universe. The synergy around us and my experiences make me believe that it's not just "out there" but possibly within us, perhaps even in our minds.

I feel blessed to have had these experiences, and it's an incredible journey of discovery. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on the interconnectedness of these experiences with our own existence.

Keep exploring,

The truth is in you
as he is in you
and you are in him


I'm looking forward to this podcast Curt.


Tom does a great job of describing how he got into this stuff in the beginning I love the way he talks about it


Tom totally dodged the question about what keeps him up at night.


"the government doesnt lie."

*edward snowden has entered the chat*


I had an experience where I went to bed and around 3 am I woke up to some voices talking like whispering above me. I couldn't understand the language so when I realized I wasn't dreaming and I opened my eyes, suddenly blue lights started flashing in my bedroom, it was so intense that my girlfriend woke up asking what it was and I just told her that it was thunder outside, although the sky was very clear that night. Well, long story short; next morning i woke up at 7 o'clock with my girlfriend leaving for work, i kissed her and went back to sleep, then 3 hours later around 10 o'clock i woke up again but kept my eyes closed because i had a strong feeling that someone something was there and I felt strongly that whatever was there was very quiet and sort of watching me. Then I opened my eyes slowly and what I saw at the door I couldn't understand very well: a "being", a small figure that was no more than a meter tall and as it was made of glass well, I say glass because I could see through it. I slowly closed my eyes again and acted like I was sleeping until a few minutes later I opened my eyes again and he/she was gone. You just can't forget such an experience and it's the first time I've tried to write it down like here.
And I can't rule out the fact that when Chris got home later that night and we went to dinner, I mentioned the thunder that night and to my surprise she responded by asking; what thunder? 😳🤔 yes, she didn't remember anything just that she had slept all night.

well, there's more to it, but I'll leave it here.


Man this is the first channel I found where everyone in the comment section is normal and comments make sense. This channel is great I think I found my home. Great topics great people, thanks.


This is what the WORLD wants and needs. Interviews just like these with honest people NOT AFRAID to tell the public WHAT THEY KNOW. Thank you and BRING US MORE!


This should be interesting. Just finished reading the chapters on Tom and TTSA in Ross Coulthart's book. Can't wait! Happy holidays everyone!
