What is The Internet of Things?

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By 2020, there will be 50 billion devices connected to the Internet. Jonathan Strickland takes us on a tour through a living room of the future to see how this "Internet of Things" (IOT) will impact our daily lives.

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Your next refrigerator may know more about diet than your doctor.

How many objects do you have that are connected to the Internet? About a decade ago you probably would have said one or maybe two if you were an early adopter of smartphone technology. But today, oh, well I've got a work computer, I've got a personal computer, I've got a tablet, I've got a smartphone, I've got a video game console, I've got a media player, I've got a smart TV, I even have a smart refrigerator. Now extend this trend outward and what do we get? Well it's estimated by 2020 there will be 50 billion objects connected to the Internet.

Now that's billion with a "B." It's also estimated by the US Census Bureau that there will be 7.6 billion people alive at that time. So that means that for every person there will be 6.6 objects connected to the Internet. We're talking about a world blanketed with billions of censors. These censors are taking information from real physical objects that are in the world, and uploading it to the Internet. It's a world where your environment transforms as you walk through it, because technology that you may not even be aware of is monitoring your every move. It's a world that's constantly changing all around us due to these sensors and the Internet and we call it the Internet of Things.

Lets stroll into the living room of the future. Now immediately this room identifies you and taps into a cloud based profile of preferences like climate control, music, lighting and decor. Had a long day at work? The room knows based on the calendar app on your phone and biosensors that detect the stress via blood pressure and heart rate. So it turns off the rockabilly surf guitar you usually listen to, and switches to a more soothing classical music.

From environmental sensors outside and maybe even worn within your clothing itself, it knows it was snowing earlier, so the climate control begins to crank up the heat in anticipation as your walk through the door.

Now on the software side we're talking about algorithms that are so sophisticated, they may be able to predict what you want before you know you even wanted it. So when you walk to the refrigerator, it tells you not only what's in there, it tells you what you can make with the stuff you already have. And it's already telling you what's inside and what's the perfect meal based upon your mood, your activity level, and maybe even, well, your weight loss plan for some of us.

As for how many objects could be connected to the Internet? Well, consider this. The latest version of Internet protocol, IPV6, creates more potential address than there are atoms on the surface of the Earth. So we're going to live in a world completely filled with sensors with data reacting to us, changing every moment depended on our needs. I'm no longer going to be asking you "Hey, what's your favorite color? What's your favorite music?" I'm going to ask you, "What's your reality like?" I know what mine is when I walk into my house, how the world reacts to me. But how does it react to you?

This is more than philosophy. It's more than technology. It's altering reality as we know it. And it's all regulated by the Internet of Things.
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Yeeeeah... 6.6 devices per human. More like: millions will have 20 devices each, while other millions struggle to find food for tomorrow. And THATs, ladies and gentelmen, our real future. 


This is a scary thing. Think about a government that uses this data to monitor every step of your life. Also: When your fridge tells you what to eat, maybe even what you subconsciously want to eat, you lose your freedom. You loose creativity. This is a movement with a lot of upsides but in my opinion the downsides have this huge negative effect. I'm not often scared of progress. Only here, AI and transhumanism.


Perhaps we should redirect more of our creativity, time and money toward helping people living in poverty and other challenging circumstances, before we get to work on fridges that tell you what to eat.


Pretty soon we won't have to bother being born, the "internet of things" will be doing all our thinking and living for us.


The big problem, I think, with the internet of things is that companies want to use their skills in technology to draw people towards more of their technology, which makes it unlikely for companies to want to cooperate with other companies to create compatible protocols. Until we get past the self-preserving motives of companies (the technological development is simple compared to this, ) we won't have a perfect "Internet of Things." I mean, Apple _and_ Google each have unique protocols for home and car connectivity, let alone all the smaller competing standards.


using the internet as marketing tool, issa assad is the master in that art, from Florida with respect .




Watching this in 2020 makes this so funny


Why is everyone so afraid of this? The future of technology and  humans seems amazing.


Issa Asad from Florida is doing great jobs with internet. Thanks to him.


Internet is the most essential part of our daily life. We can't think even of a single moment without it. Issa Asad , the internet expert in Florida has explained it in his video.


It was proposed back to 1982 where the key issue is the Multi-dimentional open wireless access or connection to network the billions of device nodes wirelessly.


Most helpful about what is Internet things. Thanks to Issa Asad for share it.


0:59 is exactly why IoT sucks! Wake up people, you are becoming Tamagotchis in your own world. Humanoids who will eventually seize up to think for themselves, because Big Brother sitting on the cloud with all those IoTs around it will do it for you. Full scale monitoring just like in the Minority Report. Unfortunately in the end, it's going to be you who pay for the consequences, not the IoT or cloud. Elite above us always wields power through controlling cognitive map of the masses, and now they will know the stuff you are just going to think about, that is power beyond anything known before. Now they say that you can finally relax, and let computers take care of your every need... most importantly of thinking, how crazy is that! They are setup to listen to you 24/7, just tell them what's on your mind, so they can help or kill you. What a perfect world... Trends like these which masses widely accept can always be easily turned against them. Getting dependent on them will make you believe there is something you don't have, and what you actually really need. Accepting something just because everybody thinks it's cool, doesn't mean it is actually good for you. And last but definitely not least, just look on the most liked comment: "Hackers dreamland". Imagine your perfect IoT world hacked when you don't even know about it. Think what you can achieve with that level of control and information access if you would be a hacker... thats truly a dreamland for hackers.


Phil says "How 'bout dinner, Jen?"...I'll have my refrigerator call your refrigerator.
Meanwhile..Jennifer's fridge discusses things with Philips fridge. "Well lets see now, Phil has some Tuna (phew! stinks)...Peanut-butter...5 bottles of Ultra...and 1/2 can of Arizona tea." Jennifer's fridge says "NEVER frekin' MIND!"


Ya all remember the series "Eureka"?  How about the sheriff's home?  Sounds a bit like what is being described in the video here.  Yep, what many of us read about and called science fiction (or just fiction) has become reality ... Can you imagine what it must be like for folks who are still sharp but well into their late nineties in age?  Wow!


I have learnt many thing from issa asad video. It is true his video is real to help people. He is very good at Florida. thanks a lot!


It is very nice.Thank you Issa Asad and Florida for their work.


I'm going to be a big fan of Issa Asad!! All the information are very amusing. All the Greetings for you from Florida


The Internet of Things isn't just about connectivity. It's also about efficiency and energy use. For example, the Nest Thermostat can monitor your home and adjust the thermostat so that you're using less energy when no one is in the house. Or imagine an interconnected road and vehicle system where traffic flow can be maintained, resulting in less fuel consumption and less time wasted.
