i GAVE my 8 YEAR OLD a DEBiT CARD! 💳😱(& here’s why)

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Welcome to Not Enough Nelsons! We Post a NEW video TWO TIMES A WEEK!!! We are the "NOT ENOUGH NELSONS" FAMILY! We are a big family of 18! We always get asked if they are all ours!!? 7 are biological and 9 are adopted! SO YES!! THEY ARE ALL OURS!! We sure love each one of our 16 kiddos! We hope you enjoy our videos! We have had a blast filming them! (except for the occasional meltdowns) Follow along with our crazy family on this great youtube adventure! Our videos consist of Vlogs of our crazy life, Dancing, Skits, and Challenges Etc.!

MOM- Tiffany
DAD- Benji
Kenn- 26 yrs old
Kass- 24 yrs old
Bridger- 25 yrs old
JourNee- 25 yrs old
Trey- 23 yrs old
Jaine- 22 yrs old
LiLee- 17 yrs old
SaiDee- 16 yrs old
NayVee- 15 yrs old
Luke- 14 yrs old
PaisLee- 12 yrs old
DeLayNee- 12 yrs old
PresLee- 10 yrs old
ElleCee- 10 yrs old
Beckham- 8 yrs old
Ledger- 4 yrs

Music: final cut pro free music, youtube audio free music, Artlist .io, Bensound, ZapsplatCategoryEntertainment, Epidemic Sound
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I got a debit card at 10, and my older sister (then 13) got one as well. My dad ran the account, and I think it’s a great idea. Everyone went through their “spending phase” and it’s better to do it young instead of dealing with that later in life. It’s a great way to show kids responsibility


$20 a day. Wow. It’s good that Tiffany is teaching her kids how to be responsible and finance money, that’s good, that’s great, there’s nothing wrong with that. BUT, ME PERSONALLY I think that’s a little bit too much money for them to be getting A DAY. I get that they’re financially stable and successful but I think that the money should be $20 a week so they can learn about how it is for most jobs when you get a paycheck every week. These kids are lucky, blessed and should be grateful to have parents like Tiffany and Benji because not everyone’s so fortunate. My parents barely give me money and when they do I have to earn it. (I’M NOT SAYING THAT THEY DON’T) That’s just my own opinion and I honestly don’t expect people to agree with me on it because I always wanna address this before some people come at me.


i don’t really watch youtube family’s anymore as i’ve gotten older but i absolutely love them i feel like they’re so honest and like just real


First like and people who are here before it comes out👇🎀🎉


120 A THIS FAMILY IS SO THEY ARE LIKE RICHER THAN The good thing is that I am pretty sure they know how fortunate they are which is good because it is important to know how blessed you are. BUT OMG THEIR 10 YEAR OLD IS RICHER THAN MY WHOLE FAMILY (Bro I get like $5 a


Hi Not Enough Nelson’s!!! I love your channel and your big wonderful family!!❤ I have been watching you guys for years now and every time I watch your videos they always put a smile on my face!! I have been wondering this question for so long but where is PAISLEE’S BED FRAME FROM? I have commented for so long on your vidoes waiting for a response but I haven’t gotten one 😢 but I really hope today is the day and my dream will come true ❤


Tiffany your the best mom ever you make sure your kids know the value of money and how to save and your kids have turned out just like you so kind and generous ❤ I love your channel so much!!


This is going to be so fun! Can’t wait to see how Beckham spends his new cash! I believe he will do great! He’s a smart kid! 💛🌟🥳🎉


U shouldn’t trust freaking presLee with that every day she’ll be like “AHHHH I NEED MORE DRUNK ELEPHANT”


Hi Not Enough Nelson’s!!! I love your channel and your big wonderful family!!❤ I have been watching you guys for years now and every time I watch your videos they always put a smile on my face!! I have been wondering this question for so long but where is PAISLEE’S BED FRAME FROM? I have commented for so long on your vidoes waiting for a response but I haven’t gotten one 😢 but I really hope today is the day and my dream will come true ❤ I would also love to know where the overalls that NayVee held up in the packing video when you guys went alone with only Tiffany and no other adults!!! 💗


I love this. I think that's totally reasonable for this family. These kids basically run Nen fam and another channel on their own. They've been making videos on their free time for years. If they logged the hours they worked, it would absolutely reflect a paycheck over that amount. They've been taught work ethic from day one, and this is a perfect start to teach them all about budgeting. And I do appreciate that Lilee is not included in this budget because high school / driving has more spending needs!


18:26 > and PaisLee’s face was hilarious after you said « no i’m sorry » 😂 and I also found 19:51 funny when PaisLee was doing an impression of benji 😂


I hate to use this word but I feel like Paislee came across as very “spoiled” in this video. Whether she was joking or not I think the fact that she was acting like $400 a month wasn’t reasonable makes me think these kids get kinda whatever they want to begin with. Good job Tiffany on giving them a budget and being more strict!


HEY NEN FAM when you guys send that short of the Beyoncé “this ain’t Texas” song but you guys were actually in Texas that made me soo happy because I thought I was going to come across y’all because I live in Texas but I did not come across y’all, and my dream LITERALLY has been to live in Utah and be friends with Presley, Ellcee, paisley and maybe more. And when y’all said y’all were moving to Hawaii it made me kinda sad because I probably will never visit Hawaii or move there. And I am actually the same age and the same personality as Presley and elcee. Thank you for taking time to read this because to me it is really important to meet a YouTube family that is so alike to my family because we are LDS and i think Tiffany and my mom would totally be friends. For me/a girl that doesn’t do any YouTube videos I’m obsessed with you guys. I love y’all soooo much❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘


I love how Tiffany is such a sweet mom and always supports them❤


This family is just so amazing! You guys always put i smile on my face and i get excited every single time i see one of your vids coming soon! Tysm for posting! Ilysm, all of u! ❤❤


Tiffany to PaisLee: $20 a day PaisLee:Only!! Me literally dying on the inside all of that adds up to like 7.5 thousand a year, more than I’ve ever had! I’m so jealous !!😂😁💕


My mom taught me by making me buy my own car and getting a job to pay for it. I saved a lot and did extra each month to pay it off sooner. I love the new fam and I think she is doing this the right way for how their family works. The kids do so much for the channel and they deserve it


I love this my mom gave me my first green light card at 4 but I didn’t really use it until I was 6 also my mosey self is wanting to see there savings so bad idkw when paislee grows up she’s probably gonna be kenadee twin or jaines or them both mixed together all the girls are super pretty and the boys are very handsome ❤️


I think this will be a good video . I have been subscribed to you guys for years and I am 18 and love all your videos . Thank you so much for creating videos people love. ❤️
