Preston Manning discusses social conservatives and western alienation

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Preston Manning, founder of the Reform Party, joins CPAC's Martin Stringer to discuss social conservatives and western alienation.

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Thank you Mr. Manning🇨🇦
Prayers for ALL of Canada


The media just likes to drum up negetivity. Preston is answering your questions. He's spelling it out to you Martin. It wouldn't matter who lead the conservatives the media determine who will win. They tore Sheer apart. I'm very disturbed by MSM


I no longer call myself a Canadian I am an albertan a proud albertan


I am surprised the Raw Sewage POOP Dumpers even know that Western Canada even Exists.  Tran-Mountain should have been built 10 years ago.  These Libtards are going to Miss Alberta Oil and Alberta Money.  #WEXITNOW


Mr. Manning is correct about the provinces that benefit from transfer payments should realize where that money comes from. For reasons beyond my comprehension, JT & company doesn’t comprehend the saying that ‘’a rising tide floats all boats’’


Thank you Preston you get the problem. Trudeau is the most hated person in the west. Alberta is not like Quebec we’re not threatening.


To late we are leaving, out of touch ? More like NO clue.too little too late


Excellent.How I longed to hear considered and articulate discussion from our Prime Minister on ANY political issue arising in the last 4 years.Thank you Mr.Manning.


Sorry Preston you are dead wrong about Sheer.Go PPC


does Quebec put money into the Canadian pie from the energy it sells abroad????


Western exit the Confederation does not work any more


The Liberal minority won't last long if it fails to see and resolve immediate key issues as stated/suggested by Mr. Manning. Patterns of arrogance, corruption and self-serving partisanship + unrealistic pharmacare and climate mandates all need to step aside, and be critically reviewed, please.


Trans Mountain will not have the impact people think. Selling oil to Asia will not solve the problems of Alberta. Preston Manning is correct. Why is Quebec buying oil from the Middle East instead of Alberta ? A pipeline to deliver Alberta oil to Eastern Canada should be the priority, the Trans Mountain pipeline is a fiasco, Trudeau overpaid for it and the costs of expansion are astronomical, this pipeline built by the government, nobody in the private sector wanted to build, is pretty much doomed and will not deliver to Alberta the expectations that have been built.


reality will suck when there is nothing to transfer. do not like oil? walk to the protests.... imagine the revenue if Trans Mountain and Energy East were flowing. do not like energy, have a cold dark winter, reality can be sobering


We need more seats here in the west before we ever win an election. For God sake's, Nova Scotia has 10 seats when Alberta only has 6. The election is decided before the votes are even counted in the west! It's a big farce set up for the Liberals to keep control! You idiots who voted for him have your noses so far up his ass, it loos like his Adam's Apple! Good on Mr. Manning for speaking the truth! Sure is nice to hear from someone who was a real politician!


PC Party should retrain their city election candidates like Toronto, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Quebec Ct, Ottawa & Montreal . They are pretty poor at their jobs, they would have a more confident team .Your suppose to put the horses in front of the cart, Doh


Listen Preston !!! it's the government's problem well said


Glad to see Preston Manning coming forward again in this time of need for Alberta and the west.


Preston Manning is giving him the answers rather than listen keeps talkin and talkin and talkin...


Stringer repeats the tiresome bullet point that about two thirds of the voters in the last election voted for parties that favoured the Liberal backstop. Another way of looking at those numbers is only 6.5% of the voters in the last election voted for the Green Party, the only party that would move the backstop tax rate up enough to meet the Paris target. According to the PBO the tax per tonne of GHG emissions would have to be moved up every year by $6 or $7 per tonne from $50 per tonne in 2022, reaching $102 per tonne in 2030, to meet the Paris targets. Neither the Liberals nor the NDP would commit to moving the tax up at all after 2022, although they didn’t discount the possibility either. They both laid great stress on other programs, mostly not even defined yet, to make up the gap. Rather than asking the Conservatives why they don’t believe in a carbon tax at all, Stringer should ask the Liberals and NDP why they believe in the carbon tax so little.
And Preston is right: the Liberal backstop is far from the ideal. It isn’t tax neutral, it isn’t accompanied with reductions in other regulations, and it isn’t being rolled out in tandem with our NAFTA partners or any of our trading partners. Why isn’t Stringer concerned about that?
