How to #Throw a #Dodgeball (Overhand) - Step by Step

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This is the first video in our Learn to Throw series. This week, we break down the throw of William Andrusyk, a baseball trained dodgeball athlete. Next week we will post some drills to help people who didn't grow up playing throwing sports learn some of the fundamental underlying movements involved in this style of overhand throw.

This series focuses on the fundamentals of the overhand throw. What style of throw would you like to see next?

#dodgeball #dodgeballthrowing #dodgeballtraining #dodgeballcorner

Video text (for translation)
Starting position:
- hands together
- side towards target
- eyes on target

Step forwards with your back foot first and point your lead elbow high. As you step your front foot forward, open your hip towards your target and spread your arms and legs wide.
Turn from the hip first, shoulders follow, keeping your elbow at or above your shoulder.
Push forward with your back leg as you release, leaning all of your weight forward over your lead leg. Follow through with your arm across your body.
Рекомендации по теме

I accidentally throw my phone while I watch this video


Thanks for the information now I’m going to smoke everyone in dodgeball 😈


Nah I'm about to die if i get hit by that ball 💀🙏


honestly, I could throw 2x maybe even 3x faster than this method. What most kids do in our school is we throw side arm, recoil your arm back while focusing on your target, then throw at your maximum potential.
