FULL ORIGINS of MCU Thanos - The Mad Titan Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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I want to see a Thanos & Black Order Disney plus series


I thought he was too OP. Too OP to lose. They could have powered him down more. Thor wielding two hammers is one of the most powerful beings in the the comics and Thanos knocked him out.


They should just make a back story movie about thanos.


This video is absolutely correct. Planet Titan in the comics is Saturn's moon but the Planet Titan in the MCU is not Saturn's moon, it is a planet somewhere in deep space outside of Earth's solar system and the titans that lived there were not the eternals from the comics or the titans from the greek mythology but they were an unknown god like alien civilization just like the Asgardians and Thanos was the strongest titan of his race just like Odin was the strongest asgardian of his race. MCU Thanos is not an eternal but he's just a titan. And yeah, Thanos is indeed the only one in the entire universe who can properly wield, control and survive the cosmic powers of all six infinity stones that's why the infinity stones are Thanos's own property. Thanos is also thousands of years old and even without his gauntlet, he's more powerful than Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel and Captain America combined. Great video 💜


I wish they stuck with comic face and armor like in the first avengers movie but I like the face impression of josh brolin


Thanos is right tho
Our world if it continues growing will have too many people and not enough resources


The best villains can make you love them and except for Loki he is my favorite in the MCU


The movie (like all the rest) nerfed the living shit out of Thanos. The movie made it seem like he is only powerful with the Infinity Gauntlet. Not true in the slightest.... Thanos is OP Strong, and his list of abilities are too long to list. But if you truly want to know who Thanos is, look him up and be amazed!


Okay so thanos did use the stones very very well I have to be onist about that that was fantastic but him him self I hated he pissed me off a lot when I was watching the movies and what he did to all of the avengers but the way he really did use the stones was very cool and awesome that's all I liket about him is how he used the stone and even tho he is dead I'm not going to be surprised if and when he returnes to the mcu so for now I'm going to be gladly enjoying the time of him been gone as lone as possible good by THANOS Ha ha ha .


"He was a genius", "cursed with knowledge"... not understanding exponential growth... aha.
Give me a mad titan obsessed with death* any time of the week, instead of that mess.

* not necessarily even its embodiment. Though I wouldn't mind that either, or if they left it vague whether she exists.
Though it would be the best if they tweaked his reasoning to, let's say, the Snap echoing through the universe and decimating life randomly every few hundred years or so. I still somewhat hope they retcon this somehow and reveal this is an ongoing danger. It would be probably best suited for some tv series though, to address this and resolve it. Movies should move on.

Loki potential spoiler:

At this point, the best you can have in terms of an explanation is that the One Who Remains (if he was telling the truth) kinda lost the plot while shaping the events of the Sacred Timeline or had a lazy week while setting that up.


He's no darkseid, that's for sure 🤣🤣🤣


UNCANNY MAVERICK MARVEL ABSOLUTELY 💯 💯 Magnificently performed 🎭 by Thanos. Great acting 👍should have been more of Thanos and the order. Peace ✌


You mispronounced "nuclear".
