Could a trillion dollars save the world? With writer and biologist, Rowan Hooper | The Drum

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It seems we'll be living in a world of 'trillion-aires' before we know it.

With that in mind we thought to ask the question how would you spend it?

Evolutionary biologist and journalist Rowan Hooper decided to take up the challenge and turned it into a new book, How To Spend A Trillion Dollars.

He spoke to reporter, Ruby Cornish.

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People like basos need to have a 99% tax rate cuz they're still coming out so far ahead of everybody else it's obscene. how can their time possibly be that valuable compared to someone who's slaving away 40 hour a week unable to cover the cost of basic essential needs like housing food healthcare utilities and transportation. our goal should be for space travel or any of this other ridiculous crap should be to eliminate poverty and destitution so not one person lives a single day unsheltered and hungry


How big is a trillion?
A million seconds is a few days.
A billion seconds is about 30 years.
A trillion seconds is about 30 000 years


Money isn't the problem. Its finding the right people that want to do the job is. Not like some corrupt foundations in Australia that take taxpayers millions in admin fees and pay their researchers and workers on the field a pittance with shit equipment.


If the top 1 billion in the world who live off $64 to $128 a day, saved $20 each week, by the end of that year there'd be a Trillion dollars saved. If we could do that each year, we could get all 10 major things it can be spent on in Rowan's book in basically 10 years, or at least have all the funding there. So that's like $3 a day being saved. Now there are three other groups of earners $1-2 a day which is about a billion, then there's $4-8 dollars a day of two to three billion, $16-32 dollars a day for again two to three billion, and then there's the top 1 billion people who earn $64-128 a day, as mentioned above.


One hundred thousand
One hundred million
One hundred billion
One hundred trillion
One hundred ca- trillion
One hundred zillion


Who saw Zack snyder justice league trailer...


Invest the trillion and share the returns with the poor long-term


So a biologist thinks the first place to start spending a trillion dollars is getting biologists to save endangered species.


A trillion dollars would certainly help but this is not something you can just throw money at. It wull take a sustained effort on all our parts. And until we have everybody on board, from me to you to Darren Woods (CEO of Exxon) to Scott Morrison to Donald fukken Trump to Mrs. Oldwidow across the road, or we're essentially dead.


This Lady needs to get her Facts straight. Elon Musk is the richest man in the world as off like 3 weeks ago. For a news Channel u didn't do much research did ya...
