How to avoid answering questions - Speaking Skill

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There are times when you prefer not to answer the questions someone has asked you. Here are several ways you can avoid answering questions without being impolite.
Refuse politely
Ask another question
Answer a different question
Use vague phrases to avoid stating your opinion directly ‘You might say’, ‘one could conclude’

Conversation 1

A: Have you received an end of year bonus?
B: I’d rather not say.
A: What do you think about our new manager?
B: What do you think of her?
A: Are you looking for a new job?
B: I like this job very much.
A: What do you think about the new holiday policy?
B: You might say it’s good for some people.
A: How much did you pay for the new computer?
B: It was affordable and I am very happy with it.
A: But how much was it?
B: Actually I prefer not to say.
A: You’ve politely refused to answer all my questions.
B: Have I?

Conversation 2
How are you going to vote?’
1. I haven’t made up my mind yet.
‘Where do you live?’
2. Why do you want to know that?
‘How much do you pay for your rent?’
3. I pay the going rate.
‘How much do you earn?’
4. They pay me well.
‘How did you get this job anyway? Do you know someone?’
5. I only know that they are lucky to have me.
‘How old are you?’
6. How old do you think I am?
‘Why are you single?’
7. Why? Are you thinking of asking me out?
‘Is that your natural hair colour?’
8. If you can’t tell, what difference does it make?
‘How much do you weigh?’
9. If I wanted you to know, I would tell you.
‘How do you make money from your business?’
10. That’s my secret.
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Good tips. Been getting asked these questions from clients and would answer sometimes then feel violated. I’m taking back my power. None of these people need to know this information.


I have always been taught that asking questions is a good thing for learning. However, a “friend” who visited recently puts out a constant stream of questions to the point of abrasive ness. Not sure why he does this but so happy to have this information!


I'll bet the people who disliked are the people who asked the questions and got defeated, and came to the source to try and diss them out of working or something


It does floor me by some people who are so thick and insensitive to ask questions that don’t concern them ..I HATE rude people who ask personal stuff like “ how much money was that “ ?? A good one to reply is “ I can’t remember “ how can anyone challenge that !


“So what are you?” (Referring to race)
“Where do you live?”
“What’s your birthday?”
“What’s your last name?”
“Do you own a gun?”
“What’s your moms name?”
“Where do you work?”

I’m working hard to protect my boundaries I need to practice.


Teacher: "why were you absent yesterday?"
Me: "why do you need to know?"


Wow. I need to start watching this every day.


I love this. Very useful and straight to the point.


The second conversation was perfect for me and the rude people I deal with. Thank you!


I hate when people ask most of these questions it’s so rude


- Actually, my assistant could probably answer that better than I can.
- Say 'that's a great question / thank them for the question' then praise them or speak good about their concern. Briefly mention the topic move right on.
- Pretend to take a call.
- Say you don't know the answer, but the answer can be found online.
- Say the answer is online / too many details to cover.
- Or just get a guy that controls the mic all day.


Something I used as a kid was to do something else and move away or say short things or make sounds like “ow”.


Lmao I want to see the behind the scenes to this


Practicing for tomorrow’s family dinner.


I used to tell people the get the fuck off when they ask me something i dont like, now its time to change i guess lol


Does the conversation always have to end with the other person walking away?


“May I ask you a question?”
You just did
“May I ask you 2 questions?”
You just did
“May I ask you 4 questions?”
You may not
“Why not?”
Because you just did.


Lefty's do this bullcrap all the time, it's pretty see through..


When asked questions of a personal nature I say
"I'll let you tell me your story while I collate my thoughts to answer your question "
When they are finished I simply reply
" that's an impressive dissertation I would be embarrassed to try to top it with my pitiful story "
Stops the nosey maggots every time


Be a little more enthusiastic in your videos
