Why Completing the Sith Code Was Literally IMPOSSIBLE

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Ya start speakin' Sith and I'M IN.


I remember a line from one of the sith characters from SWTOR, I forget which, where they tell one of that "a sith is the ultimate individual. There are as many interpretations of sith philosophy as there are sith."


Personally I think the Sith code doesn't mean using only hate, but that hate itself is the first emotion that acts as a personal trial since it is so easy to fall into. Passion not just hate but any emotion that you feel strongly in. If reader of the code can master their hate, they would become strong yes, but what if they also learn to master their other emotions and use them as fuel as well, letting them flow freely through them, empowering them. The code to me reads as a mastery of ones self and gaining empowerment through that.

The reason I see it this was is that passion is not peaceful, but nor is it defined by one emotion. As corny as it feels to type this, both hate and love are defined by fire for a reason. With that said the other emotions can also be felt strongly and can shackle one. Hope and despair, joy and sorrow. It's just the first two are the easiest to both switch between and fall entrapped by. Thus Strength is gained.

So that is the first two lines dealt with, now for the next two which are still tied to the first two. As they gain strength from their passion they gain personal victory. but they cannot gain power without victory first and both are reached simultaneously. Each personal trial they overcome is a victory that will grant them power. Through their victory over themselves will the chains that they either unknowingly or unwittingly placed upon themselves will be broken as well as them gaining the strength to break chains others try to bind them with, notably the Jedi code they may have been subjected to or codes and laws others forced upon them. They will be free to choose if they subject themselves or not need not fear as their power will protect them if they choose to ignore the laws of others.

Then again I'm not a Sith. I'm just a Force user who lives by himself and hops on the net to see new stuff and that is how the Sith code rang to me.


Thanks brother, it's raining cats and dogs, I got a broken finger and horses to shoe! The content makes it super easy to pass the time, thanks for another banger!!🎉🎉🎉


So I think an interesting piece of context that we miss with the Jedi exiles is that they may not have had exactly the same philosophically as each other. For instance Ajunta Pal ending up as a force ghost rather than a sith spirit might suggest that his own views were more grey like Luke or Revan(and probably Xendor) but then the Jedi forced him and his folowers into a war. We see Sorzuy Syn wright the code, and then get manipulated by Remulus Drapa over and over again, sure maybe he was really good at the sorts of mind powers you would later see lord Kaan use to control the brotherhood of darkness. But an alternative take is that she had feelings for him and in some ways was the living proof of his point that to love someone is just one more chain. Drapa and Murr seem the most similar to me in that they were mostly fighting over who was in charge, being the most obsessed with destroying the Jedi and the republic. Darth Andeddu seems to be where the fear of death and obsession with immortality comes from. Where as Tulak Hord seems to be where we start to see the obsession with martial prowess and empire.
The fact is if you look at what Sorzus Syn did I'm not actually sure that she was so much fueled by hate and anger as much as by an obsessive passion for knowledge(and to a lesser extent other emotions) that would be more in line with Darths Tenebre and Plagus than the spite of Sidious or the anger of Vader.


When I recite the Sith Code I don’t say “The Force shall free me”, instead I say “The Force shall set me free” as some people say that and to me it just sounds more proper that way


The last line of the sith code should be "the force shall set me free" instead of "the force shall free me" and I will die on that hill. It fits the cadence of the rest so much better.


I really enjoy your deep dives. Thank you! 👽👍


This code sounds good But seriously. The Sith individuals conquer to fill a gaping hole. Which means they will never be free and find peace.


Wow this is a heck of a Sith lore video great job Stupes.


WOAH went on break at the perfect time 😎


I appreciate this video.
The depth of this video should not be taken for granted.


I really enjoy these videos. Keep up the good work 👍


The cool thing is that the Sith coade was created for the first Kotor game by Bioware. They asked permision to Lucasfilm and they allowed it. Kotor 1 is the best star wars game ever.


The sith code doesn't have to be taken to mean hate, domination, power or evil at all. It can simply be as inspiration to better oneself.

You can find STRENGTH in what you are PASSIONATE about. Because you are usually pretty good at doing what you love and have passion about. And in this strength, you can find the POWER to change your life for the better. Power can be education or a new skill to get a better paying job. Victories can be setting and achieving your goals, small victories. And in doing this, the "chains" that hold you back can be broken. Chains can be many things. Example: Drugs.


For me there is only one Sith that understood and was the true embodiment of the Sith Code, and The Dark Side. Darth Malgus.
As always amazing video 🎉🎉


man been binging a lot of these videos again and it's giving me that itch to jump back into SWTOR, KOTOR 1&2 and even some of the older games like Jedi academy


Wave banging out vids in between sets lol


"There is no peace, only passion." Unironically, I was sold from this point on. Purely based on the codes I'd probably end up being a sith


They made it purposely confusing... to create frustrating rage... hatred... THE DARK SIDE!!! rage quitting levels of anger are what fuels them
