IS THIS ABUSE?!?👀😱 #shorts #teacher #school #education #students #story #storytime #storytime

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I really do wish some people realized that just because you can’t SEE the injury, doesn’t mean it’s not there, you don’t need to be bleeding to be seriously injured.


Yes!! Medical neglect, My sister and I suffered our whole childhood because of it and have several issues that can never be fixed now.


“Is he bleeding on school property?”
As if he cant bleed internally.


Medical neglect, a form of abuse that is SO overlooked!!
My mom never took my sickness and injuries seriously when I was a kid, so I would constant be in pain and I thought it's normal!
My ribs were damaged and broken from a classmates beating me up and throwing a chair on me as a "joke" and because she made me ignore it my ribcage I permanently deformed now.
Even when I had flesh wounds she'd make me ignore it until they'd get infected and THEN she finally took care of it.
She never took me to the hospital with my injuries so that people wouldn't see how much of a terrible mother she is.


"Is he bleeding uncontrollably?"

Oh totally not like broken bones exist that don't ooze blood


"I broke my leg!"
"Your fine stop being a baby, it's not like your not breathing or bleeding."


This actually reminds me of the time that my mom tried to send me to school while I was incredibly sick.

My stomach ache was so bed in the morning that I was continuously falling asleep and unable to move, but she didn't believe me so she forced me to get ready and go to school, keep in mind this is elementary school.

As soon as we got out of the car and walked on campus the motion sickness made me projectile vomit, to the point where there was immense amounts of puke on the grass and myself, it was very humiliating for me and my mom still refuses to take responsibility for it to this day.


Some parents really are like this too. Back when delta was in full swing, we had so many parents coming through our clinic demanding that their kids get tested so they can go back to school as soon as possible because ‘it’s just a cold’. Then you see their child who’s so pale, out of it because of the 104F fever, and gripping onto a puke bucket for dear life. These same parents would get mad that we wouldn’t clear their kids to go back to school right away.


Just because you can’t see the injury doesn’t mean it’s not serious. When I was in middle school I crashed an ATV at 30 miles per hour (I lived in the country). On the outside, I looked fine, no bleeding or broken bones right?
In reality I had a lacerated spleen and was bleeding internally. I had to be airlifted to a hospital 2 hours away, the entire time I was insisting I was fine.

An injury doesn’t have to be visible to be deadly.


"Is he bleeding uncontrollably"

Ma'am sit down so I can teach you about *internal* bleeding


Karen: "My child just needs to learn to toughen up. Kids these days are so soft"
Cop: "That's great, ma'am. Please turn around now; you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law"


❤️ Love that the teacher recognized the need to call CPS to report child abuse. HERO.


"Is she breathing? Is she bleeding?" Was literally my mom's script 🙄


Parents don't realize whether they think they're right, or semi wrong there's 2 things you don't mess with
1) an injured child
2) mandated reporters.

Even if you want to "toughen your kid up" you're going to find yourself explaining that to CPS investigators because teachers, admins, coaches etc WILL report it, that's the law!!


CPS Agent: Hello this is child protective services. How can I help you?

Mrs. Rogers: it’s me again

CPS Agent: Haven’t heard from you in a while. I’m on my way


Videos like these are so important even for people who didn't have to suffer this way so those who had loving parents can be aware and on the lookout for abuse in other's lives


Literally the epitome of the convo:
Doctor: “So you have internal bleeding”
Patient: “But isn’t that where the blood should be?”


I have a coworker who's mom didn't believe her when she said she landed on her leg wrong and hurt herself while playing as a kid. She grew with permanent hip and leg problems and still has pain and discomfort to this day.


I feel like part of this can also be blamed on the way some schools treat sick days. It could have caused the kid to not want to speak up about being injured because schools (I know that my school is like this) value being there over the general health of the students. I for instance had to have surgery on my mouth and because of this I wasn't supposed to be in school for the rest of the week but my school would only authorise half a day off because it was considered an orthodontic procedure.


When my brother was born whenever they held him he would cry. The hospital didn't find anything wrong with him when he was born so my parents thought he just didn't like being held but they eventually went to the doctor and it was found that when he was born his shoulders were to wide and he broke his collar bone. It just shows that injuries aren't always obvious. (By the time they took him to the doctor it was already healed)
