Pls do not support horse drawn carriage rides, this is animal abuse 🐴 #shorts #animalrights #vegan

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This comment section knows nothing about the industry. Those horses are well cared for. Muscled, shiny coats, perfect feet. They are calm and unbothered. I can tell you are not very familiar with horses. I will continue to support this ☺️


The bag is what they use to feed the horse in instead of a bucket which can likely be bumped over and when horses eat from a bucket they pick their head up and mess it all over the floor.

I don't agree with these city carriage rides which are dangerous and not suitable surroundings for a horse to be in every day, but these horses look in good condition to me and their hooves are well taken care of with shoes specifically made to be comfortable on roads.

Bro it’s so they can’t eat. The horse is showing no sign of discomfort. And that bag they can breathe is a fabric.


this isnt animal abuse they treat them good


I saw a horse drawn carriage and the horse wasn’t even served water between rides the owners used dirty used rags in the horses they deserve a loving owner❤


I love people that spread awareness about horse abuse but this isn’t abuse. Post about real abuse so people know how to find it, these horses are treated fine and doing their job.


I rode on a carriage ride and they told us soo much about the mule pulling the cart containing me and one other plus her. She was honestly very kind and they let us pet and told us that they only use the mule 1 time a day and they have so many. I think some carriages are bad but not all. Some cases are completely abusing the horses/mules/donkeys. They don’t deserve it. On the carriage ride the mule went several times to water troughs around the area. Other then that, I don’t typically support ones that look like they could be abusive.


I lack to see what abuse is happening here. Horse has a decent body condition from what I see, eating out of the eating bag on him while not sweaty, no signs of discomfort or pain, looks to have pads on for roads and looks well-maintained. 😑💀


It’s not abuse, those horses are born to pull stuff like that they are known as a “draft horse” they are the strongest horses, they pull heavy loads, it’s not abuse. As long as they are well fed, bathed, and healthy it’s not abuse, i have so many draft horses. They were born to do this kind of stuff it’s just there industry.


Throughout history, horses has helped us evolve from hunters to warriors to farmers to car drivers and more. No matter where we go, there are terrible people in every aspect of life but what we have seen in one place cannot be put to another. That is a feed bag and the horse is eatting. I have seen abused animals and this horse is treated better and is in good shape and there does not seem to be any signs of fatigue. Still, this is not abuse and we should not judge others based on a video. Equestrian to farmer, they should not considered abusive for being part of an industry where horses have saunas, pools, and spas and as we have knowledge that there are people who treat their animals who you may or may not have met better than you treat yourself and more. We can turn the tables and turn what we dislike into something positive like green transport to far distances or new experiences that bring us memories of the past but if some want to stay in a black and white bubble the so be them.


If this is horse abuse give me 5 reasons.


That horse is pretty. They don’t deserve that.


First of all this is not animal abuse I have a 4 year old Irish cob who is currently learning to drive like these horses here and I’ll let u know that most horses actually enjoy working and I know that because if a horse doesn’t want to do something it won’t


Animal activists are crazy!!! These horses are not abused


I agree, I hate animal abuse😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


Some people in the carriage driving industry are definitely abusive, but as someone that trains and works with driving horses daily, many of them are treated kindly. Driving is only abuse if the people make it


as long as they’re not overworked, they seem fine and healthy


Well this youtuber is not horse expert THIS IS CREARLY A FEED BAG they look great and healty THIS AINT ABUSE


I will never understand as the horse is literally being fed. Also, by law, carriages can only go on non-car busy areas so they are more safe and out of the carriages I have seen, this is one that actually Is taking care of their horses. Abuse is when their are narrow minded people harassing people on a topic they refuse to learn and further educate themselves on. Carrriages and riding and animal ownership is not abusive unless you make it abusive. No one derserves to be judged as horrible for the mistakes of someone else nd these horses, until further notice, are not being abused.


I once went in one, but the horses were given food and water after every ride ❤️it was in Poland
