Making $5K/Month Breeding Shrimp in His Apartment (Side Hustle)

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Hugo breeds and sells decorative shrimp out of his apartment in San Francisco. How much does he make per month? How did he get into this? What does his girlfriend think? We answer all of the above and more in this video on this crazy side hustle.

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0:00 - Intro
1:32 - Making Money Shrimp Farming
2:29 - What You Need To Get Started
2:50 - Where Do You Get Shrimp?
3:31 - Where Do You Sell Them?
3:55 - Tank Maintenance
4:48 - Why Are They So Expensive?
5:40 - What does his Girlfriend Think?
6:26 - Hugo’s Initial Investment
7:17 - Cost of Setting Up First Tank
8:14 - Let’s go to the Fish Store


PS: I am not a Financial Advisor, any investment commentary are my opinions only. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I do receive a commission for & they help support the channel
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i was going to say "bruh if hes actually making even half of that a month off just shrimp he shouldnt be in an apartment" then it opens with him living in San Fransico.


One thing about boa shrimp is they only breed 30% true. This means only 30% of offspring will be boas which requires a lot of culling to keep your boa patterns tip-top.


Oh wow this is cool seeing a fellow shrimp breeder. I don’t deal with expensive shrimp like this guy but I have been getting couple hundred a month from selling shrimps casually. I’m glad shrimp keeping is getting more exposure!


I don't think people realize how big the aquarium hobby is. Been in it for years and it's only growing!


Yo the MarkShrimpTanks shout out was deserved fr. Very into shrimp, and that man is the single greatest resource imo.


All I watch on YouTube are finance videos and aquarium videos. This video is my two worlds colliding. 😊😊😊


caridina shrimp breeding takes tremendous skill and experience!! Thank you Humphrey for highlighting this rather niche and cool side hustle! <3


I'm sure that room smells fantastic!


During a bear market, the headlines will focus on negative news, whether it's declining economic growth, geopolitical upheaval, cultural and legal turmoil, or some combination of all three. I listened to a podcast of someone that grew his reserve from $120k to almost $460k during this Red season, can you share tips on how to make such aggressive proceeds in short periods


LOVE to see the hobby get some more mainstream attention!


Before I watched your channel I was unproductive and doing nothing good with my life.
I'm still mostly the same but I sure have learned a lot!


I’ve always thought about doing this small scale. I am retired military so besides my kids taking up 96% of my time I’m free otherwise. I am an aquascaper and keep anywhere up to 4 scapes at a time. I have been breeding cheeries and Bloody Mary shirmp for years. Actually, they just breed themselves. I just feel like too scared to even try. I also always think about selling aquatic plants too. The amount of healthy plants I trim and throw away a week is sick. I hate having to throw so much away. I also grow plants emersed which is perfect for selling. Idk tho. Dealing with people and shipping issues. It would be nice to cover the cost of my expensive hobby. Thanks for this video. Kinda jealous lol


The difference between caridina and neocaridina is the former is very difficult to care for with strict water parameters, while the latter, is quite tolerant. That affects their prices. (I know from first hand exp, lots of dead caridina later)


Loving this series where we see unique ways people make a living. Thanks for sharing.


How much can you make? 1000s. How much did you actually make? 120 bucks.


I’ve been slowly breaking into the shrimp breeding game. Breeding cherry shrimp and guppies right now. My cherries are finally at a large enough colony I can sell some


I was doing this with Crystal Red Shrimps, Tiger Shrimps when they weren't even introduce for sale in aquarium shops. Made pretty good money, but after 2 years I tore down my setup. It was getting very hectic with working full time and trying to ship the shrimps before work and during lunch and also after work. I would be at work and would hear paypal money chime saying this amount was sent in for these x amount of shrimps, and it just got super crazy. I even had people come to my house and purchase it as well locally. I would throw in a few extra with Java Moss and so on.... this is way before fish shop of any sort in California was selling the shrimps. Good money maker though, if you know what you're doing. I was running one side of my garage with sixteen 40B tanks for all the shrimps, found that they do better in wider tanks for more breeding. Less water parameter downfall with bigger tanks as well. Good stuff.


Cherry Neocaridina 5 - 10 Dollars?? Here you get the cherry shrimp for around 1 Euro...!!


The videos you've been making lately have really expanded my mindset on the possibilities of making money and I love it! There are so many ways to make a living in today's society and I appreciate you sharing some of the more niche things with us Humphrey!


I've been wanting to do this with Vampire Crabs. But being a truck driver is a bit difficult since I'm never home. But one day I'll make it happen.
