Crossing the US/Canada Border without a Checkpoint

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In the post 9/11 world of increased security, a place like this shouldn't exist. In East Richford, Vermont E. Richford Slide Road starts in the United States, dips north into Quebec, Canada and then returns to the U.S. All without a border crossing.

You can't just cross the border illegally here...the Border Patrol are everywhere.
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I remember being on a family vacation to Europe when I was 10. We were on a highway (autobahn?) going between Germany and Switzerland. The road twisted and turned through the forest, and my parents explained that the road kept going back and forth between Switzerland and Germany. I thought it was cool that we didn't have to stop at a border crossing each time, and my parents explained that was because we couldn't get off the highway to do anything, so customs weren't bothered.


Then there's Derby Line, VT where the library is in both Canada and the US


There are tons of places like this along the US-Canada border in rural or farming areas. It only seems unusual to people who have not lived along this border, especially with all the publicity about problems along the border with Mexico. The northern border is an entirely different kettle of fish, there is no one living within 100mi of this border, either in US or Canada, who is not related in some way with the people across the border, so up until 9-11 we went across the border in both directions as casually as one crosses the lines between towns. The official border crossings are now a lot more complicated to use, but out in the sticks we just don't bother with it, and the officials on both sides look the other way. There are two (or more) very good reasons for this: Reason #1, We have THOUSANDS of miles of common border with Canada, and if we used every single member of the border patrol together with every single member of our armed services, we would have JUST BARELY ENOUGH personnel to patrol and enforce our border. Reason #2 I stated previously, in addition to which, our two economies are tied together for common benefit. The US and Canada basically are brother and sister, so our border line is fairly unique, not adverserial as is the case with Mexico.


I was there in 2011. I investigated the cemetery that is behind you and noticed that all the graves were in the US except one that appeared to be in Québec. Seems someone’ wanted their final resting place to be in Canada.


borders are too controlling. Canadians and US should be able to live and work in either country.


Have you ever been to the Line Road, in Alburgh, Vermont? It's the same way. Just before the Rouses Point bridge.


Check out Flathead FSR between Canada and the U.S. same way. There used to be a border crossing but it closed on the Canadian side. Now only the U.S. rangers stay up there and then there’s cabins on the U.S. side and further up the road cabins on the BC side.


I was bored looking at Google maps, and spotted this unusual road going temporarily out of US, looked it up, and this was the first video to pop up.


I’m curious, are you Canadian or American? I ask because right at the border, some residents (from either side) talk and act exactly alike that you cannot tell who’s from what side of the country.


There's logging roads in Idaho that cross into British Columbia with no barriers that I can see on google maps. It is the only state that has backroads without port of entries that cross all the way into Canada.


wow i need to go ride to that road! i live only a 2 hour ride from it. thanks man!


Man, I went right by this without even realizing. I just went off of VT-105 just to see what the crossing station was like, to completely miss this. I still was able to temporarily cross into canada later when I drove into Rouses Point, NY on NY-276, but this would have been much cooler. I guess I have to schedule another road trip up there!


It was like this when in the Air Force we found an abandoned town Comertown Montana that you could just walk across into Saskatchewan with only a stone obelisk as the border marker. Probably all different now, this was in the early 70s.


What happens if you have a car accident in that section the road


I hope you had your passport with you! :-) Great videos! From Jeff (Canadian)


Dear friend, thank you for your videos last 07.27.2017 during my trip to Prudhoe Bay on my motorcycle crossing the border line between Canada and Alaska (USA) on the Alaska hwy I found a plaque that says " This unfortified boundary line between the dominion of Canada and the United States of America should quicken the remembrance of the more than a century old friendship between these countries and lesson of a peace to all nations" . God wants that someday all the borders of the world have this type of inscription


Hlo please tell me Montreal to new York safe crossing address


Wats the full address of that road im in Montréal i need to go to ny asap


I'm interested in how the US and Canada allowed a road to be like that. What was the speed limit. 30 mph on the US and 50 kmh in Canada? Very cool travels.


You still have to go through checkpoints on either side if you want to enter either of the countries. There’s no way in or out without having to eventually go through a checkpoint.
