When Can My Child Come Home? | Inside The Child Protective Service | Part 3/3

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Three families are trying to get their children back, after the children were removed for their own safety. A single mother risks having her toddler sent for adoption if she ends up in jail for drugs again. A family struggling to keep its home safe for two active youngsters, gets a second chance. Will these children ever be reunited with their parents?

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About Inside the Child Protective Service : An observational documentary series filmed across four-months, featuring the work of Child Protection Officers. Watch as they battle hostility from parents, scrutiny of every unpopular decision they make on behalf of the child, and the emotional weight that comes from witnessing abuse, neglect and violence inflicted on vulnerable minors. They are the children's only hope - and they ensure that every child can live a safe and happy life in their own homes.
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calling her cats her "kids" and her husband and son her "pigs"...yeesh, that was too much.


So proud of that single mum who’s actually putting in effort to change for the better. As for the other families, I really pity the children but I’m glad CPS is available to these vulnerable children. 👍🏻


I hope that the single mum keep this good mind frame, I feel she can be super successful cuz she has something to fight for


The mom says how can the kid remember what his parents did to him a few months ago? I am 20 now and still remember what my mom did to me when I was 3. And the parents does not believe the fact that their kid can become violent because of them? That is just stupid. My therapist still teaching me how to deal with my anger and emotions since all I know is to hurt myself or others. Because I don’t want to hurt others I was a threat to myself


Wtf. 4 months is more than enough time to clean your house. Or make it safer for the kids. This is just pure laziness. Plus no money still wanna keep cats?! Omfg poor cats.... disgusting parents who keep making excuses.


Really appreciate CPS efforts in giving these kids a safe environment to grow up in while trying to maintain the child's relationship with their parents. Thanks cna for this doc!


Even that woman's cats hate her.They scratched her. well done kitties, real mvp


I still remember when a social worker came to my home I had cerebral palsy and my mom and sisters were physically and verbally abusing me leaving deep marks up all my arms. Sometimes they would push me just to see me fall or leave me in the snow as I tried to get up. Left me to get up the stairs when I could fall. But as soon as the social worker came my mom talked them out of the abuse, I wish they took me away. My code word to the social worker was that my mom and sisters were strong, and I wasn`t. We need to make sure that manipulative mothers do not get away with such crimes. I got out at 17 even with a severe disability, and am very Independent my mom would take away my assistance devices and I would fall all day. She called me lazy and fat when I said I needed them. She ruined my life, but if one person could of stood up to her, I could of grew up in a loving home. I am healed spiritually, but I feel for children of abuse


I love these documentaries. Currently watching in quarantine... a great way to spend time. Thank you, CNA Insider! Greetings from Indonesia.


"I never say ah? I never say such thing? No? I where got say?" A few moments later. Who marry you will jump down 16 story flat. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


CPS in the US could really take a cue from CPS in Singapore.


the cat abuse is overlooked
she locks her 4! cats in cages and lets them out only to touch and HOLD them? not to mention the cats didn't want to be held!
she just forcefully grabbed it back like it's some toy
my god I want to slap her
her "vision" of wanting to raise four cats and a child is also terribly disturbing considering how she's doing


Not sure if it's a cultural thing, that comment at 39:45 but boy is it alarming to me for the boy to just be sitting there as his mother a) comments on wanting to kill herself b) threatens to murder his father via window and then follows up with c) "I want to raise 4 kids--" THE CATS!? "and 2 pigs" referring to her husband and the child sitting right in front of her?!? At least from western perspective, that would be such a painful comment for the child to hear ):


The mom insinuating the children are lying and making an analogy about how you don't remember what you eat a few months ago. Of course no one remembers what they eat a few months ago because it wasn't traumatic lmao smh.


I am very impressed with this group of cps workers!!!! They are extremely thorough and definitely more interested in the children staying with parents if it’s totally safe or working with the parents on how to get there child(ren) back home!!!! Great work!!!👍🏽


The messy home case - parents with Malaysian chinese accent. Why do they have 2 houses? And words don tally with what they say to cpo..said she has no idea why the child said he will jump down? Hello..filmed u said that phrase and u said u no idea.. please be a more responsible adult to ur children ok?


The safety of the young person is paramount. Reunification is the best option for the young person only if it is safe.

Blessings to the Children, Foster Carers, Parents, Specialists and all who work towards giving the child the best possible healthy, home environment that enables the child to grow.
Thank you for all your hard, emotionally draining, heartbreaking, caring and wonderfully dedicated work.


the mom in the messy home seems to be quite unstable emotionally and her behaviour is definitely affecting her child. she's saying really awful things like wanting to kill herself and her child is just picking up on that. she keeps denying that she has said these things even though its been caught on camera. sometimes her emotional and mental state can also make upkeep of her home a problem. the mother needs help as well


I really like that they have that tent in the room where the families interact. Kids can often be afraid and crave a secure place to “hide” when they are scared, upset, or uncomfortable and that little tent is large enough for a child to feel secure but small enough that parents really can’t enter the small space with them. They can create distance and space until they feel comfortable enough to join their family in the room. It is also a good way for the CPO worker to gauge the interaction with the child and their family. If they immediately run and hide and remain there for the majority of the visit they are obviously uncomfortable. As the visits progress they can determine how comfortable the child is and how the relationship/s have improved by whether the child runs immediately to the tent and/or how much of the visit the child spends inside the tent vs. interacting with the family. It is a great tool and I am sure it helps the child to feel more comfortable knowing they have a safe space in the room if they need it.


Her cats are locked up in cages ALL DAY omg spca please take away these cats and put them up for adoption.
