This CHIPPING TECHNIQUE will change your golf forever

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This video covers a chipping technique that will change your golf forever.

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Starting at an early age, Ali began playing golf when he was just 13 years old. Having played many sports throughout his younger years, he has always had a fascination with improvement. This progressed into his coaching where he feels the most accurate feedback allows the quickest changes to improve the golfer. Since beginning the Ali Taylor Golf YouTube channel, Ali has become extremely active over the various social media platforms that Ali posts updates onto. You’ll find regular tips for your game as well as reviews on the latest products from the biggest brands in Golf, including TaylorMade, Titleist, Callaway, Scotty Cameron, Ping and Cobra. Stay connected with Ali by following his Facebook and Instagram pages and of course don’t forget to subscribe to the ever growing YouTube channel with over 70,000 subscribers!
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I am a very athletic 69 year old but not so great at golf-though I love playing the a bogey golfer. After a 25ish year hiatus from the game. I have just taken it back up. Here, chipping and putting, is where I keep from scoring a lot worse. My game struggles a bit to get the ball onto the green but once I am within 30-40 yards I expect to make a strong run at getting up and down. Here, I agree with the general points. Success is about having the touch and honing your skill-it's an individual thing.


Ali, thank you. The thing I like about your videos is that they seem suited to the normal golfer. These are lessons I can apply and practice. You can't imagine how impatient I am to get back on a course right now due to weather and job. Thank you and please keep them coming.


Great video.keeping things nice and simple.cheers


Thank You for your great content. Here is a tip for your YouTube videos. Video explains so much without words. Your title should explain most of the reason anyone might click on your videos and watch them. It started of soooo good. That chunk shot was perfect. It told so much of the story and man I wanted to see more. So just jump right into what went wrong and why and then how to do it right. I would have cut the part from 0:04 to 0:34. Your face told the whole story. I didn't need to be explained. Your videos are far batter than most just because you stick to GOLF! Thank You!


I like to keep my legs still like when putting. That is a pretty lengthily chip where I might need a little movement but only after the ball is gone. It really helped me to become a lot more consistent with nipping the ball properly because I take that element out of the equation. I get into the impact position and stay there with only shoulder rotation. If I have to take the club back to 9 o:clock or more the legs will go a little. I also like to stand the club upright and choke way down so only the toe makes contact if I fat it a little. It creates less drag as less club is contacting the ground and I am punished a lot less. On short chips, I just use a putting stroke. It takes the wrist hinge out of the equation. Even more consistent strikes. Simplify it when you can. Not sure who I learned that from. Might have been a Morikawa thing.


Great video. This is the area that I struggle the most with. Appreciate the instruction


Thank you for the instructions Ali, chipping is one of my many weak points, your video will help immensely 👍


Thanks again Ali for another simple lesson


Fantastic explanation Ali much appreciated 👍🥃🇨🇦


I watch your vids always. Always learn something. Great work. I tend to be the inside takeaway guy and unfortunately get the dreaded shank. Should I exaggerate the outside takeaway to get the feel? Or just open face a little and follows foot line?


Great vid. Are you hinging the wrists in order to take it back straight rather than behind/shallow?


What do you think about using a less-lofted iron (maybe 7-iron), standing closer to the ball than normal, a bit of a toe-down attitude in the clubhead, and a putting-type stroke? I do very little that's any good on the golf course, but I'm actually pretty successful with that putt-with-7-iron approach. Your thoughts would be much appreciated.


I think my 3 hybrid would be the better club selection from that distance off the green. When chipping I try to keep the butt of the club pointing at my belly button/belt buckle on the backswing and follow through.


Jim Powell speaking.
If you take the club back at the same speed as the sternum, while having the stance a bit open, with ball position about in the middle to a ball back of middle in your stance, these chip shots are easier and oh so effective. Give it a go, I will make a wager that you will find having your “body” involved in the take away will give you wonderful results.


Thanks Ali, which club are you using in this video? Thanks


Wish I'd watched this before I thinned 2 in a comp over the weekend..Guess I was lifting club up before impact on those?


Why is the grass always green in the Uk? Ours goes dormant In November


Two friends of mine chip with almost no body rotation. One hits a lot of thins, the other shanks a lot. What would you say to someone who thinks to be more consistent you need to keep your body still when chipping? Thx!


Just buy a chipper and use a putting stroke.


I watch and approve of almost all your lessons Ali, but with this one I take exception to almost everything. I was taught the difference between a Chip and a Pitch is amount of time the ball spends rolling out. So in my opinion what you're demonstrating here are pitches. Second is that I'm a wonderful touch chipper around the green...and I use everything from my 56 degree to my 6 Hybrid depending on lie, distance to flag, etc. For the shot you're making here, about five yards to the fringe and another apparent 20-25 yards to the flag, you should be using that supper easy club the 8 iron. Just use a putting stroke to bump it in the air onto the green a yard or two, and it'll roll easily to the flag. What you're teaching here is quite complex, and not very effective.
