How to Make a Website using ChatGPT (Full Tutorial)

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Limited-time sale - Build + host your website for less than $3/month with Hostinger (Use code CHARLIECHANG for 90% off):

In this video, I'll show you exactly how you can use AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney along with the web hosting platform Hostinger to make a website on WordPress. If you're a total beginner with no idea on how to create a website and how you can leverage AI to generate ideas, articles, and images, then this video will teach you everything you need to know in less than 10 minutes.

This is a super simple step-by-step tutorial that will show you all of the different ways you can use ChatGPT and Midjourney to build out your website from scratch such as coming up with ideas on what types of websites you can create within a certain niche, generating custom images, as well as writing articles and posts that you can create on your website.

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Be sure to watch the entire video because I'll be taking you through all the steps that you need to know to build your website, from using ChatGPT to come up with ideas, using Hostinger to set up your web hosting, installing all of the necessary WordPress plugins, and customizing your website pages using Elementor. The great thing about Hostinger is that their services are super affordable, and you can get over 4 years of web hosting for under $150 which is a deal that you probably won't be able to find anywhere else. I highly recommend Hostinger for all website needs, whether you're trying to create a website for your personal brand, blog, or even as a portfolio for all of the services that you provide.

I also highly recommend that you use ChatGPT as a TOOL to inspire the content that you post on your website, not something that you use to copy and paste. ChatGPT isn't able to provide perfect text 100% of the time, so you still need to do your due diligence and verify that what the AI is generating is correct.

If you want to learn more about how to build a website and how you can use AI tools like ChatGPT to start a business, be sure to check out my other videos:

9 TOP Artificial Intelligence Tools to 100X Your Income:

How To Build A Website with Wordpress in 2023 (Full Tutorial):

I hope you guys found this video helpful, and if you did please SHARE it with a friend or family member who you think could benefit and also LIKE and subscribe for more videos like this in the future!

Thank you for watching, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!



0:00 - Intro
0:19 - Step #1: Finding a Niche
0:36 - Step #2: Using ChatGPT to Create Website Ideas
1:04 - Step #3: Hosting Your Website With Hostinger
3:39 - Step #4: Setting Up Your Website on Wordpress
4:16 - Step #5: Using ChatGPT and Midjourney to Generate Content
5:36 - Step #6: Customizing Your Website with Elementor
8:18 - Final Thoughts
8:55 - Conclusion

Disclaimer: Some of the links above may be affiliate links, which means that if you click on them I may receive a small commission. The commission is paid by the retailers, at no cost to you, and this helps to support our channel and keep our videos free. Thank you!

In addition, I am not a financial advisor. Charlie Chang does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. Please do your own due diligence before making any financial decisions.

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^Plus, use code CHARLIECHANG for 90% off!


Don't you think this should be titled "How to create website content with chatGPT"?


Just another affiliate marking video wrapped in a trending topic lol


This video is a great example why we need dislike button back


You're sponsored don't act like this hosting service is the best by your fair evaluation. It's just ingenuine.


Thank you so much charlie for those passive income videos I still enjoy all the benefits till date I started investing in copy trading and the profit has not gone bellow $ 20, 000 for the past eight months use to e around $9000, still trying to trade on my own not making as much as I do from copy trading


Wordpress is an absolute nightmare. Avoid it like the plague. Every time it upgrades, the plugins you paid for will start acting weird or stop working entirely. Who knows when those developers will catch up with the new version? Sometimes, they don't. But you won't get a refund. The content management process is NOT intuitive and provides endless frustration when you want to deal with formatting text, placing photos, etc. I'm going to get rid of my wordpress site and probably switch to SquareSpace or Shopify. I think this video is way too kind to Wordpress. Unless you love frustration and wasting time and money, stay away from Wordpress.


The problem is that it costs 300$ to make anything even remotely respectable on wordpress. Somehow you all neglect to mention this. Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong and it's actually free.


the problem is, u cant export the code.


Just curious on what's this impact on Wix, or other web building tools? Seems that the steps are more complicated adopting ChatGPT and overall cost maybe higher?


Bro you just used Chatgpt for Creatin an article /Blog Content. NOT a WEBSITE. YOU JUST PROMOTING HOSTINGER! YOU MISINFORM your viewers. wtf


Clickbait video. It's only affiliate marketing.


Favorite full tutorial using elementor? Or could you make one??


THought is was going to be a coding tutorial.


Just an Ad for hostinger or whatever the name is. What a este of time


been loving these full tutorial contents on ways to make money, keep it up


Do you do 3D graphics designs or do you have someone that you can recomend.


this video is very informative for build a website with chatgpt


so basically this was an ad for hostinger..


The WP block editor exists in 2023. There's no reason to be using bloated Elementor.
