Global Winds - Trade Winds, Westerlies, Easterlies | Fluids | Physics

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Global or permanent winds flow in a particular direction irrespective of seasons or local conditions. These winds are trade winds, westerlies, and easterlies. The direction and locations of global winds can be determined through pressure belts and Coriolis force.
There is a low-pressure belt in the equatorial region. This region is known as the doldrums because of the feeble winds in this region. There is a high-pressure belt in the vicinity of 30-degree latitude. These latitudes are also called horse latitudes. At 60 degrees latitude, there is a low-pressure belt and there are high-pressure regions around poles.
According to Ferrel's law, the Coriolis force bends the winds toward the right in the northern hemisphere and towards their left in the southern hemisphere.
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