Winning, Losing, and Values—from 2 Guys on Your Head at KUT Radio

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Winning, Losing, and Values—from 2 Guys on Your Head at KUT Radio
Friday, March 30, 2018
AT&T Executive Education Center, Room 204

Figuring out the best outcome for a negotiation or business venture seems like it should be easy. And often, we focus on simple rules like who makes the most profit from a deal. But, there are many intersecting values that go into determining what outcomes we desire. In this section, Bob Duke, Rebecca McInroy, and I from KUT's Two Guys on Your Head will explore the psychology of values. What kinds of values do people hold? What do they do when they have conflicting values? How do we recognize when we have a conflict in values with someone else? Along the way, we will talk about how an understanding of values can affect your interactions with other people in a variety of business situations.
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