OV7670 Camera Module with Arduino: Color Image To PC (Step-By-Step Guide)

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I have updated the code from using the outdated "rxtx" library to "jSerialComm". You can skip the


This is a follow-up to the "Arduino OV7670 live image to screen" video. In this tutorial, I am connecting only a camera to Arduino (no screen) and sending images to a computer over the serial connection.

The image can be transferred with up to 2Mbit/sec baud rate. Although that speed is not very stable and I have set 1Mbit/sec as default.

Interestingly though the 1Mbit/sec only works with Arduino clones. With Genuine Arduino Uno you have to lower the baud rate since 1Mbit/sec is always very glitchy. I think that for some reason Chinese ch340 serial chip handles high speeds better than FTDI chip used in the original Arduino.

LiveOV7670 project (Arduino):

Arduino image capture project (Java):

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00:00 Intro
00:14 Demo
00:24 Arduino code
01:40 Setting up ArduinoImageCapture
02:54 OUTDATED. Not needed anymore!
03:21 Running the application
04:30 ArduiniImageCapture on Mac
05:04 Wiring the camera to the Arduino
08:05 Demo - 320x240 1Mbit/sec
08:30 Demo - 320x240 2Mbit/sec (glichy image)
08:51 Demo - 160x120 1Mib/sec
09:07 Demo - 160x120 115kbit/sec

Music from Youtube audio library.
Рекомендации по теме

Can you please do a tutorial for OV7670 Camera Module with Arduino Mega 2560


Congratulation for the project. Is it possible to use RBG and 640x480 or more resolution to PC screen?, i try with default setting, only works 160x120 RGB with 115200 baud for me, i need more resolution.


The image window is opening up, I assigned the correct port and baud rate, but it is not rendering the red rectangle. What could be the issue(I am using Arduino Nano)


Solved it = Never plugged in PLK > Data 12 or VS > Data 2 even though I was getting red and green squares. I'll leave my original comment below for anyone that is still getting green square.

Been doing some commandDebugPrint statements and inside the the program gets hung up

void {
commandDebugPrint("vsync done"); //I see this every time
commandDebugPrint("padding done"); //never see this output

so many (guessing) in the CameraOV7607.h (or .cpp) there is a glitch that prevents the program from moving forward????


It keeps saying that the it couldnt find my MainWindow class from the ArduinoImageCapture-master- module


Have you tried this with a teensy 4.x? I want to send my ILI9341 frame buffer over USB.


Hey indrek ı am using Arduino UNO with 12Mhz crystal but i am having some problems ı can only run lowest resolution and two duplicate half Frame in your plugin monitor


I did it and everything works well but i tried it with hc05 and hc05 gives error it can not work at 115200 baudrate


Hi, Thanks for your sharing the video. It is very helpful.
BTW, I want to detect the moving(but slow) barcode by using ov7670 camera and arduino.
Can I have an advice from you?


I have a red square! Noob + red square = happy = subscribe. Thankyou


that's posible connect cam to ESP32-Wrover?


Man... This project saves me a lot of work! I was wondering... would it be possible to replace the USB connection with a RF transmitter with receiver having a Rs 232 to usb converter ? I am looking to have the whole thing wireless....Do you think it would work?


Sir, can the image be sent through the Bluetooth module HC-05 ??


when i hit that reset button, some kind of error is thrown . kindly help.
#A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:

#EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at pid=22212, tid=18496

# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (11.0.2+7) (build 11.0.2+7-LTS)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (11.0.2+7-LTS, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, windows-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C [rxtxSerial.dll+0x5156]
#No core dump will be written. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows


Can I ask you about how I should be save image from form to my local computer? And could be I compile this project like executable file for run on any computer?


Hello. Can this camera module work with arduino nano. I have no arduino past and I do not want money waste.


I changed your java application reads bytes from bluetooth but it shows only a small top part off image how can read images from bluetooth can you help me please if you can i will be very happy


i applied all steps but i see only green image on java application i dont know where im wrong
all wirings are right, i checked them many times but when i run java application there is only green screen what must i do please help me :(


Hi, your videos were very hepful. I've followed your tutorial step by step. I had the red screen initially and then the Green screen at the mid-test. But whenever I connect the remaining pins, I also get a red screen. Am I doing something wrong?

Also, I have an Arduino clone, but it has an DIP atmega328P, so apparently it doesn't support 1M baud. Is it possible to reduce framerate so I can use smaller baud rates with a bigger resolution?

I'm trying to setup a camera to capture a Gray scale frame every 10 seconds and send it wirelessly via LoRa and then store on a PC. But so far I'm stuck at the camera setup, can you give me any hints?


how can i do this same project in esp32 nodemcu?
