What to Talk About With Your Ex (3 Conversation Do's and Don'ts)

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Ladies and gentlemen, Brad Browning here… as many of you already know, I am a breakup and relationship coach from Vancouver, Canada… I’m also author of The Ex Factor, a guide to getting back together with your ex.

My newest video here today is going to focus specifically on talking to your ex… and basically, I’m going to explain what you should and should NOT be talking about with your ex if you want to win them back.

I do want to first warn you though, that you should only be actually having real conversations with your ex if you’ve already gone through a period of “No Contact”... and really, ideally you only want to be talking to your ex when you’ve planned for it in advance. If you haven’t already gone through No Contact or followed the other initial steps outlined in my Ex Factor program, then you should really only be communicating with your ex if there’s an unexpected or unavoidable encounter… such as running into them at the mall, or if you both work at the same office, etc.

So, if you do find yourself chatting with your ex, whether it’s planned or unplanned, here are some topics you can talk about safely...

#1 - Ask Your Ex Specific, Open-Ended Questions

This is the single best way to ensure you have a conversation that’s positive, upbeat, and interesting to your ex. By asking them specific questions about things in their life or topics of interest, you’re allowing them to share news or updates since the breakup, and you’re avoiding any potentially negative or emotional topics. Some examples of these specific questions might include stuff like….

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Рекомендации по теме

I dont even have a gf why am i even here


I feel boring while talking to my ex😕but I wanna talk to my ex


I did this with my ex 2day and we ended up having a really great conversation with all positive thoughts


I just wanted to let you know that because of me giving my ex space, he's come back and we are amazing friends with a great connection!! In a month her will be finished with school and we promised to try dating again!! :)


Thank you so much Brad. You offered a lot of insight on my current situation. My ex and I are coworkers and she always made things awkward. She'd call me our past nicknames like "bae, and boo" and it got really annoying. Thanks to your video I was able to talk to her about it after starting with an open ended conversation with her at work. She doesn't call me those things and now my boss has scheduled me for mornings. This works out great and I haven't seen her for a week or so. Muwhahaha. I'm definitely subscribing and will most likely return to your videos if I ever run into another problem again. Thank you again :)


my ex has agreed to meet me, I'm so excited and I'm totally prepared. Thanks for the video!


I already messed up he called me and I started bringing up the past ughhh.


i'll try those steps with my husband.i wish i can win him again.he wants to divorce.thanks


guys if you want your ex girlfriend back get the one-on-one coaching with Coach Brad and buy her books trust me after a month I got my girlfriend back and now we're going to move in together and we're planning to get married! :)

thank you so much again Brad..

best regards Gem


how do I get over my ex when we have a child together I have to still see him .it makes it alot harder .it's not like out if sight out of mind


My girlfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me about 3 weeks ago; I wanted to know how I should be handling my social medias (or if I should be handling them at all). I've been refraining from posting anything since the breakup.


hi brad,
i almost want to end up my life after i broke up but your videos just boosted me up and gave a confidence that i can win her back. we are in relationship for 4 years but my break up happened 2 weeks back and she said i longer need you and i love someone else at that point of moment i cried and begged and pleaded her. she is talking to me but she still hates me now. she is away from me in a different state so i couldn't able to meet her. she is coming to my place in the next week for 4 days. i asked her to meet me once and asked for a one last long ride. she agreed to meet me for 1 day. need suggestions brad help me..


Heh Brad,

I was just wondering: I've been doing the no contact rule and it led her to block me from social medias. What should I do? Thank you very much for your help. You give out great advices.


Why would you want to get back to someone who made it clear they don't want you. Have respect for yourself. No one should beg for love!


I should have watched this before I texted my ex I love u and I miss you


what to do wen my ex in the middle of the conversation starts talking about the new guy she had been dating


Getting Your Ex back with Brad's program is possible! I was able to get my lady back in 6 weeks! I was able to go back inside for another 90 days. It ultimately ended due to family differences and beliefs. BRAD, You should put out some new advice for two timers!


Dear Brad, what all you say is spot on ! But implementation is a bit tricky and can end the game easily. Thats what makes things difficult 😔


brad, i told my ex that we would go into a no-contact period but i would wait on her to make a decision on whether or not she would like to try and rekindle later BUT "i won't wait around forever" was this good?


hi Brad :)

Just a quick Q. If the reason an ex broke up is because they want to be alone would the techniques you suggest still work?
