Homematic IP | Technology | How does Homematic IP work?

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In addition to intelligent solutions for comfortable, efficient and environmentally friendly heating, Homematic IP offers you many other products to make your everyday life more intelligent. Homematic IP offers you a complete range of sensors and actuators - from lighting and shading solutions to weather, access and security solutions. You can even choose between battery-operated and permanently connected equipment.
The Homematic IP Access Point, the heart of the system, allows you to combine all devices flexibly. The Access Point is an integral part of our starter kits. This means that no matter which starter kit you use first to discover the world of the connected home, you will already have the key to transform your entire house into a Smart Home.
But that's not all! Homematic IP can be combined with many partner products and solutions, for example with the EZVIZ camera or with the Amazon Alexa voice assistant and the Google Assistant.
The Homematic IP Access Point, the heart of the system, allows you to combine all devices flexibly. The Access Point is an integral part of our starter kits. This means that no matter which starter kit you use first to discover the world of the connected home, you will already have the key to transform your entire house into a Smart Home.
But that's not all! Homematic IP can be combined with many partner products and solutions, for example with the EZVIZ camera or with the Amazon Alexa voice assistant and the Google Assistant.
Homematic IP | Technology | How does Homematic IP work?
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