Relaxing Afternoon in The Forest / Light Rain and Wind Under The Trees

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I've been trying to capture this video for a very long time. Rain and a light wind deep in the forest, I think there's not many things as relaxing as this is, at least for me. I feel something special from this video and I hope everyone watching will feel the same. The rain drops falling from swaying branches and the darkness of the spruce forest is just perfect to relax your mind and help you fall asleep. Theres 1hour and 40min of original footage, before it starts to loop.

Thanks to everyone for watching the videos, hope you're having a good day or a good sleep.

If you enjoy my videos please subscribe to my channel, thank you!

All material in this video is original and personally recorded by myself.
Copyright © 2018 Nik Rijavec (Relaxing Sounds Of Nature) All Rights Reserved.
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Hope everyone will enjoy the video, this one took quite some time to make, there’s 1hour 40min of original footage. It’s one of my favourite videos I filmed so far, the contrast between the darkness of spruce forest and the autumn colours is for me very relaxing. If you enjoy watching my videos and they help you to sleep or anything else, please take few minutes to check out my Patron page and consider supporting my work. Like I said before even a dollar makes a change and to be able to continue with the videos I need the help more than ever before. Thanks to everyone that’s already supporting, watching, sharing, … it means more than you can imagine, thank you ❤️


My favorite is the guest appearance of the squirrel at 1:07:00! Love this video! Thanks!!!


This is a beauty. Love that it's real. So happy that you knew enough not to add music to nature's wonderful song.


Oh my! This is so beautiful and relaxing! I was finally able to fall asleep. I woke up to see such a beautiful scenery. Where I live, we don’t see such beautiful colors and trees like that. Thank you so much for your love in nature.


Such a pleasure to hear the rain. I am in drought-ridden California where I have not seen rain for months and months. Thank you for this.


Thank you for showing the rest of us how kind and beautiful Mother Nature's gifts to us, can be. Your vid is a slice of heaven on earth, leaving the turmoils of these days, far, far away.


The beauty ✨of 🌿🍃nature cannot be compared with anything


I imagine camping with a plastic tarp tied to some trees laying under it with some warm blankets and pillows all snuggled up watching the rain!


Love it. Thank you so much. I have been listening to this every night for the last couple of years and never tire of it.


God bless you may God continue to bless you in ur life so you can make awesome videos soothing calming caring videos for the world to enjoy thanks heaps from Auckland new Zealand.


My fave light rain 🌧 vid thus far...

I really luv the raindrops on the puddle with the autumn 🍂 Beautiful!💜


Nik, somehow you have the ability to, without exception, choose the right combination of visual and natural sound. I'm pretty sure that's called "TALENT" and you've got it!


my day off today, relaxing time is such a luxury with this beautiful sound of nature, i wish i live in the midst of this forest ❤


Wow! Beautiful work Nik. You’ve captured a piece of Heaven right here on Earth. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us.


I like it when its real I can't stand loops


This is lovely! It reminds me of the beginning of the trail to DePuyster Falls near Soft Maple, NY. You park your vehicle or bike under the pine trees, and head down hill. The trail turns to the left, cross the creek on the pallet bridge, then up a small rise. There’s a sign-in book in a box attached to a large pine. There, you pick up the trail. To the NW, is Stillwater Reservoir 15 miles, to the SW, it’s 4.8 miles to the falls. The SW trail continues past the falls another 20 miles past Lows Lake, Smith Pond, and ends up on Rt. 12-D outside Martensville. I wish I could still walk well! RA has unfortunately put an end to those days.


I can’t imagine not finding your videos when I want to walk those same paths. The nice part is I stay dry. But I swear I am there amongst those trees, because of the natural way you captured them. I know it took a lot of work. Thank you for sharing your creativity and the beauty you see!


The sound of rain always brings a relaxing and wonderful feeling, wishing you peace and good luck


Wet and Windy. Perfect. Thank you very much & GOD bless


I love this. Because of the wind in the trees. No other recording out there like this!!!! Thank you ☺️
