Beautiful Relaxing Music, Peaceful Soothing Instrumental Music, in 4k 'Dreams of Italy' by Tim Janis

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Beautiful Relaxing Music, Peaceful Soothing Instrumental Music, in 4k "Dreams of Italy" by Tim Janis. My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace. My music incorporates relaxing sounds of nature and features flute music, piano music, harp music, & violin music. I am a composer from Maine and created my channel as a place to visit, relax and find peace.

In this video we travel through the beautiful countryside of Italy in 4k. So happy you are here with us :)
Blessings and peace Tim & Reno

My new CD Perfect Serenity is now available , it has 24 of my most popular songs.
here is a link

Please join me on my "Open Road Folk Music" I sing and perform my own songs :) Hope to see you there.

Nature's Calm
Music information:
Composer: Tim Janis
Copyright: Tim Janis Ensemble Inc.
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I'm moving into my new apartment today. My grandparents kicked me, my siblings, and parents out of the house. I wish I was dreaming. The feeling of betrayal is unreal. However, I see this as an opportunity for a new life. I am no longer going to be micromanaged for everything I do. I am finally free. I can finally pursue in the life that I want to have. God works in mysterious ways. Let this be a lesson, "Everything happens for a reason." Look on the positive side of things. Life will find its way. God bless you.


I've been depressed for a long time, I seem useless and bad. This music has helped me relieve fatigue and stress. Thanks for sharing it. The person who is reading this comment, i wish you great success, health, love and happiness !


As a surviving Cancer patient. A dark year but
these images of God’s beautiful creation brings joy,
life and hope back to me.
Mt.6:22 The eye is the lamp of the body.
I pray for all watching this to be filled with a deep Joy this year.


hey stranger, if you are looking in the comment section now, (this is for you). You are here for the very same reason many of us are here for, hope all your good wishes come true, hope you get healed from everything that's bothering you, do not stress "this time is going to pass", you have been doing great all these time be positive and spread positivity everywhere. The divine is with you. (I do not know why I am writing this may be because I am feeling very positive but nothing happens by coincidence maybe this message is for you).Stay blessed.


💡Words of Wisdom: Stay prayerful, be clear-headed, be wide awake, and keep your focus on God. Watch and pray! Trust God. Obey God’s Word and Will for your life. Because your adversary, the devil, the enemy of your soul, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Your name is on his list. But greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).


I’m feeling a bit sad and lonely as of late, reading this comment section genuinely made me cry. Knowing that there are so many kind people across the world who try to brighten up a strangers day honestly gives me hope for the future of this world. Thankyou.


Toscane, Dolomites, chere Italie ma voisine, patrie de la beauté et du rêve Merci Tim Merci Reno c'est magnifique et presque chez moi à bientôt Chloé


To whoever is reading this, you are loved. You are blessed. Your dreams are manifesting as we speak. Time is on your side. Everything will work out in your favor. May you find more love, peace and prosperity. Keep shining your light in this world. We need you and we love you


*“Everything will be ok in the end, if it’s not ok it’s not the end” is my favourite quote 🙂 god bless everyone reading this ❤️*


I live near Venezia. In one hour I get to Garda's lake. In just two hours I get to the Dolomites... Sometimes I forget how beautiful my country is. Thank you Tim!


справа у вільнім дусі, він немає меж і кордонів...у нього нація планета без війни, але це іноді коштуе не дешево, цей дух дає людям волю а за волю треба боротись, у слов'янських зображеннях сокіл що летить до гори це одне з складових вікінгської культури...на нашому гербі сокіл летить долу...але душа прагне до неба. відповідь - війни можна уникнути...було...якби люди не слухали своїх вождів...для цього треба знати, що людина має право на життя без війни. орки тому й орки, що не знають цього. життя належить богу єдиному, у душі немає національних різниць...вони забули це з часів біблейських писань. нагадати нікому...та й слухають не всі...але хто почує той урозуміє та стане краще, зможе змінити світ а не свій дім. Вожді будуть самі а люди житимуть у мирі та щасті…віра не знеба летить до землі, віра підіймається з землі до неба, до Бога. Він єдиний знає що хочє усе живе на планеті…це єдине бажання жити у щасливі часи бо життя це єдина цінність яка дається від Бога.

it is a question of free spirit, it has no borders ... it has a nation, a planet without war, but sometimes it is not cheap, this spirit gives people freedom and freedom must be fought for, in Slavic images the falcon flies. to the mountain is one thing. from the components of Viking culture ... on our coat of arms the falcon flies down ... but the soul longs for the sky. Answer: War can be avoided ... it was ... if people didn't listen to their leaders ... you need to know that a person has the right to live without war. orcs don't know that. life belongs to one God, there are no national differences in the soul ... it has been forgotten since the days of the Bible. to remind anyone ... and not everyone listens ... but whoever hears will understand and recover, will be able to change the world, not his home. Leaders will be alone, and people will live in peace and happiness… faith does not fly to earth, faith rises from earth to heaven, to God. He alone knows what all living things on the planet want… this is the only desire to live in happy times, because life is the only value given by God.


I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. I love you ♥️


Both sets of grandparents came to America back in early 1900's from Naples and Sicily....when I see this video I wonder how on earth they could leave such a beautiful place...I can only pray my husband and I will get there at least once to see it in person...❤


Músicas de Paz, Harmonia, 🌸🔷🌸🌴 Luz para Nosso Espirito encarnado, pois elas se fixam na nossa Memória Divina, em nossa Essência ...Lindas paisagens em movimento . Tim Janis, és muito lindo, 🌸🔷🌸🌿seu sorriso, sua Luz Interior ! Acalma nossa " Essência Divina " e eleva-a . Gratidão pela singeleza das Músicas , com as Bençãos do Universo de Luz de Nosso Pai-Criador, São Paulo, 05-02-2023- Brasil, Pátria Amada, Azul dos Céus e Branco da Paz ( um dia virá ).🌸🔷🌿🌸🌴


*_To everyone who reads this, good morning. Tomorrow could be the best day of your life. Things are gonna be okay.. just relax_*


Anyone who might have doubted God’s love for us need only see this beautiful land He has given us. Thank you Tim Janis for putting your music to these scenes.


Beautiful countryside, beautiful music ❤


The person who is reading this comment, I wish you, and your family great success, health, love and happiness, wisdom and awareness and miracles in all stages of life !
Our wish is peace with oneself, peace with others, peace with the universe .


madre mia ! ogni volta mi scende una lacrima, possa tu essere eterna. perdona i tuoi figli.


Italy is not less beautiful then any other countries. Even from Switzerland. Great Work by Tim Janis
