Motivational Success Story Of Elon Musk - From Bullied Boy To Billionaire Who Will Change The World

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Motivational Success Story Of Elon Musk - From Bullied Boy To Billionaire Who Will Change The World

Elon Musk was born in South Africa. He was a bookworm and awkward young boy, who was really interested in computers and sci-fi. Instead of hanging out with friends, he spent a lot of time reading.
"I was raised by books. Books, and then my parents."
When his parents got divorced, Musk said he felt sorry for his dad and decided to move with him. But, he soon realized that wasn't a good idea. In one interview Elon described what he said was a “miserable” childhood.
His father was emotionally abusive and tough on his children, allegedly ordering Musk and his brother "to sit silent for four hours as he lectured them".
Musk was also brutally bullied in school. His classmates pushed him down a concrete stairwell. One time he was beaten so badly that he needed to go to the hospital.

How his life changed?

When Elon Musk got his first computer, he immediately got interested in programming and started to learn by himself. At the age of 12, he earned $500 by selling a computer game Blastar, which he had created by himself.
When he was 17 he moved to Canada to attend Queen's University. Two years later He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where he received an economics degree and a degree in physics. He began a Ph.D at Stanford University in 1995 but dropped out after two days to pursue an entrepreneurial career.
When I was in college, I wanted to be involved in things that would change the world. – Elon Musk
He sold his first company Zip2 for 300 million dollars at the age of 26 . He then co-founded Paypal which became a great success.
After selling PayPal, he received $180 million. He took huge risks with his money as he invested all of them in both of his new companies.
One of them was Tesla Motors and the second was SpaceX.
Currently Elon is worth $13.6 Billion dollars.

Working crazy long hours and focusing his efforts on making the world a better place, Elon's life choices are an inspiration and motivation to all.
Whether you want to be the next Elon Musk, or do something that is really important to you, you WILL face hardships on your way to success. That's the path most of us take. Someone who survived failures has gained irreplaceable knowledge. Because of his perseverance in overcoming the hardships, He will became unstoppable.

Ross Bugden - Music:

- NASA/Bill Ingalls [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


Are you feeling down and empty with all hope lost, or maybe you are having a bad day. Are you feeling depressed and full of anxiety on a daily basis, or you’re feeling like a complete failure?Do you need that spark of inspiration that will make you stand off that couch and stop feeling sorry for yourself? Are you tired of being unhappy, unfulfilled, not confident? It’s time to change your mindset! Do you need just a little bit of motivation to change things? The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.
You're on the right place.
Рекомендации по теме

I've seen many successful people were bullied when they were young


I was bullied in school . When I was on 8th standard, one boy put a pen on my back. I was treated inferiorly too. But I decided to forgive the boy because I will achieve nothing by holding a grudge against the guy. I want to become a doctor. And I was a bit distracted but after I this video, I have decided to study like hell for sure. Thank you very much.


Elon musk in his youth: was brutally bullied

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brains so that they can hear music whenever they want without carrying a device with them"

Elon musk's bullies: buys micro chips

also Elon musk: "The time has come, execute order 66"


Bullies Now: We screwed up and are now living on the streets


Even I was brutally bullied in school for my facial looks, skin tone, physique and economic status. I had this torment for few years and later I convinced myself that even many Hollywood stars and great personalities were bullied in their childhood. Now I'm an entrepreneur and in future I'll become a business tycoon and billionaire. I am using those bullying incidents as fuel to propel towards my dreams. Thank you very much for relieving my torment and at the end you ask us "What's Your Story" gives me an energy and strength to conquer the impossible.


I could relate, i too had problems with kids when i was young, verbally bullied just because I was quiet and wasn't social .it never feels good to get that kind of attention and i had to hold back tears at times when it got really bad.getting attacked just because a person is different can feel really crappy so i can relate to anyone who have been a target just because they're different.i been a fan of Elon musk for years and his visions always inspired me to never give up on something i wanted to do, even to this day I'm still inspired by him.


I just say your channel can make a diffrerence


This video helped me decide I will buy Tesla Stock....
I cannot give up on a guy... who never gave up in life !


They Bullied you because you intimidate them of your Talent they saw in you. The Bullies are always, with the Real Problems' not you.👍✌❤


After hearing his story, I feel so lucky that My mom and dad are very supportive of whatever Path I chose. They are my world


Never bully someone who is fighting his demons inside himself


this guy is a true legend, i love him


really inspirational so sad, but what an amazing man, who is doing wonders with his life ..
yes there is evil nasty people ..when your special people tend to hurt you
💖Your insights are truly Amazing God Bless you Elton 🌹🌷🌺🌼


This is what i really like. I was totally bullied in school from my classmates and then bullied continue in college but I wont give up on my biggest dream because since now i see myself a billionare and this is my motivation story to continue with my dreams.


You know your voice is just incredible it makes me feel like I am living each story you tell


Nice video.
Please keep on making videos like this. It helps us to know more about so many people who are successful today.
Thank you.
If you are in depression, I know I can't do much about it. (Sorry if I am wrong. I just felt in the video slight traces of depression)
But, I can only tell you something that might help in removing it.

Just do what you want to do.

I know, it sounds obvious to some and easy to others, but trust me, it is one of the most important thing which we rarely ever do, because we rarely ask ourselves what is it that we want to do?


Great vids. Very informative and motivating. You deserve much more views.


Your voice makes the story more emotional and touching. When you shared his school life at 2:03, I got into tears.
Thank you and please keep sharing such inspirational stories.


I have also adhd autism and depression I was not beaten but I was verbally bullied in school which make me depressed


You're doing a great job. Please, don't stop. Keep doing it.
