The Higgs Boson Simplified Through Animation

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**Disclaimer: this video was made by a couple animation students YEARS AGO, the main focus was the VISUAL aspect of the project and the accuracy of the information for such a complex topic is... questionable at best. Stop commenting about how the info is wrong or how you believe in Jesus instead. I uploaded it to YouTube so I could show the project in class, I did not expect it to amass half a million views. Make your own damn video if you don’t like mine, that’s what’s so great about YouTube. ANYONE can upload anything! Thank you.**

I think we've all heard about the Higgs Boson at least once since the recent discovery in 2012, but do you really know what it is? Our animated short created for a team animation class in college attempts to simplify the the concept and explain the basics through motion graphics.
Directed by Wyatt Johnson with the help of Alex Johnson and Ellen Knealing.
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Thanks Higgs Boson for creating this video


I've watched over 10 to 15 videos and most of them had over 1 000 000 views, but it was really hard to understand what they were talking about...but this video puts all missing pieces together. thanks man great job. I get it now!


No, the photon does *NOT* interact with the higgs field. The photon has 0 rest mass because it travels at the speed of light.


I picked up Dr. Ricardo Eusebi today while driving for Uber in College Station. He played a big part in the design of the Hadron Collider. I was amazed to be talking with someone with his background, and told him it was a real privilege.


Did you created this? Thank you for the great animation.


scientific content is well ... lets say: it is what can be expected, but the animation and the execution of it are absolutely excellent. You might think about the color palette, and there are minuscule issues here and there, but otherwise this is a outstanding job, if you are still in college. So if you are, you are really talented in doing this, and will surely do quite well, if doing it professionally. That's something you can really be proud of.


thank you for the video but photons mass is 0. photons are defined as electromagnetic interaction particle with infinite scope that travels at c speed which means it has no mass


Im not exactly sure that illustrating the interactions of particles with the higgs field in the way the video has shown is actually the best interpretation. As I understood it, the higgs field does not drag, or cause perturbations from interacting with particles, because if it did everything would stop moving. Or said in another way, : absolutely no "friction." "Friction" would cause everything to stop moving very quickly.


it is more accurate to say: "if the higgs boson exists, we're pretty sure we found it"


"Like photons... resulting in very small mass"

Uh... no.

This video doesn't even get the theory of the higgs field / higgs boson correct, nevermind the idea that there 'has' to be a higgs boson, which is a dubious claim.


Wait a second. Photons with very little mass? were they teaching me wrong physics?


This is a nice simple explanation, but I still have not found any data on how they can observe the boson particle from collisions.


I’m a layman, but it seems the most obvious & logical explanation for particles acting like polarizable axial or circular, helical waves as they travel is that they’re orbiting something (a dark (or anti) matter particle perhaps).

It's not unlike Earth being pulled into a wobble by the moon, or a distant star's wobble evidencing planet orbits making our trajectories as we fly thru space have an apparent axial or circular helical wave (like a packet) as well, depending on the orientation of the orbit.

And since we think we know undetectable dark matter exists and should be 5 times as common as matter but don't yet know where it's distributed, it seems a logical possibility that we are in a sea of dark matter (the Higgs field), even in otherwise empty space, and every particle (photons, electrons, etc) is paired (entangled) in orbit with one. I think gravitational waves could be dark matter waves and that gravity might be caused by the density of dark matter.

This could explain the double slit experiment results, including with a detector with some interaction between the dark matter and the detector (and perhaps dark matter entanglement), it could explain the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, as well as explain the deflection of the axis of the particle's wave motion (orbit orientation) moving thru polarizing filters rotated less than 45 degrees apart, etc.

Perhaps the only reason for photons' max speed limit is caused by the dark matter they're paired in orbit with interacting with other dark matter.

This could also explain why the universe is expanding from the central singularity point of the big bang outward in all directions faster than the speed of light into previously completely empty universe space, given that there is no dark matter there yet.


I'm merely some random guy on the Internet tying to understand all this, but you say the Higgs field is made of higgs bosons and it seems to depict particles bumping into (or being perturbed by?) the Higgs bosons, resulting in the resistance to movement we call mass; however, it was my understanding that the Higgs boson doesn't really have anything to do with giving other particles mass, it's just a specific predicted byproduct particle of the Higgs field, that was used as part of the evidence towards the Higgs fields existence; a way to predict a new behavior based on the model and then prove it. I'll just explain it like I understand it, and be ready to massively corrected lol, but: Particles obtain their "illusion of mass" from thier weak charge interaction with the Higgs field's weak charge reservoir. The Higgs field supposedly has a weak net positive charge across its entire field, so it can basically exchange these weak charges with sub atomic particles, ad infinitum. Meaning this is why as the basic elements go up in number of protons, they become more massive, they simply have more weak charge interactions as the subatomic particles making up the extra protons in them, interact with the Higgs field by constantly exchanging charges, thus resisting movement. This interaction behaves kinda magnetically, meaning once you've broken the sub atomic weak charge bonds resisting movement created by these Higgs field interactions, Newtons laws take over, "objects in motion tend to stay in motion" and it moves with an acceleration equal to the force applied. So the weak charges "hold" on things is kinda springy. I guess it's actually more complicated than that, being that the virtual particles created when two real particles zip close to one another I think facilitate the exchange of this weak charge from & to the Higgs field, but that's basically how I understand what's happening. Again, I could be completely wrong, I'm just some guy, but I want to understand this and I want to be able to explain the basics to my kids; I welcome correction.


the best explanation for higgs boson on the internet


Nice video, but scientists were in-fact looking for additional particles to make sense of their quantum equations. On July 4th, 2012 the CERN collider in Geneva just discovered the Higgs Boson at 125 GeV at 5 sigma accuracy. You may say so? If the Higgs was discovered at 115 GeV it would indicated supersymmetry without multi-verses. If the Higgs was discovered at 140 GeV, . it would have indicated multi-verses only. It was right in middle, because we have both. Does this prove these unseen multi-verses exist? no, but the possibility is there.

"However, in order for the Higgs boson to make sense with the mass (or equivalent energy) it was determined to have, the LHC needed to find a swarm of other particles, too. None turned up."

Edward Witten, a string theorist at the Institute, said by email, “I would be happy personally if the multiverse interpretation is not correct, in part because it potentially limits our ability to understand the laws of physics. But none of us were consulted when the universe was created.”

Watch the Particle Fever (2014) movie about CERN collider, the Higgs Boson experiments and theoretical multi-verse concepts.


If we can control higgs field we can make anything massless and turn them to floating by a simple lightning(light) at the bottom of it....


This is so good, I love it. I think you should make more videos.


What I understood was that space is permeated the Higgs field, not Higgs particles, the particle being a mediator of the force.


Now I get it! Thank you for the good animation. Which program do you use for this?
