2019 World Lupus Day on GTV

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Africa offers an immense wealth of data to help solve the cruel mystery of lupus: it's time to bring the clinical trials to Africa!

Lupus invades lives, brings unwanted heartbreaking changes and even death. Lupus can make a person's life become like a living dead. The emotional and psychological stress from lupus is as terrible as the physical and financial. That is why lupus patients as well as their caregivers need emotional support. The voice of lupus patients matter greatly in their healthcare.

We are grateful to GTV for supporting World Lupus Day observance on the Breakfast Show.

Please further the lupus awareness campaign by sharing this video. Donate to support a worthy cause.

Phone: +233 555017190
Facebook: Oyemam Autoimmune Foundation
Twitter: @oyemamautoimmun
Instagram: @oyemamautoimmune
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