【Manga】My best friend's gf's scheme forced me to quit my job. I ran into her at a client's wedding

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I glad that Tsuzaki did not forgive his former manager and Maruyama for what they did to him. They both believe the words of Oikawa instead of investigating the situation. They only have themselves to blame for causing all the competent employees to quit from Oroka House.


You know I'm more mad with Maruyama than the other two. "Best friend" my ass, that's what he get for being a major simp rather than trying to at least hear the MC out.


19:35 my favorite lines of thoughts and everything you need to say to those who caused so much trouble for you, they also had the guts to ask tsuzaki to attorn the situation for the company but gladly to see here a MC who isn't a wimp and have guts enough to talk back. Nice story today Lovekoi Manga you guys are really delivering what everyone wants to see in most of those manga dub channels who lacks a lot: KARMA for the bad ones ☠️⚔️🔥


I love to watch your stories, lovekoi. You learned what we like to see and you put the right contents into your stories, great job!
I am glad Tsuzaki didn't accept his former boss and coworker's half hearted apologies. It's too easy to refuse to listen to his side of the story, and just say sorry only after the truth has been exposed. Too little, too late


How petty Oikawa is to ruin Tsuzaki's career just because he didn't fall for her fake charms. Along with the manager getting fooled by her deceit and Maruyama, a simple apology isn't enough to repair the damage done. All three can scram together for what they had done.


Oikawa and Malty share many things in common: they lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. They will never have a good future


Oikawa is the definition of a manipulating gold digger only after men's wealth and only shallow simps easily fall for someone like her. She ruined Tsuzaki's career by forcing him to quit his previous job. Also, Natsumi is right: a simple apology isn't enough for both Maruyama and the manager easily getting manipulated by her charms and nefarious schemes. May both of them experience the regret of their actions.

18:12 Oikawa finally dropping her act and showing how vile and rotten she is to the core. I despise women like her for real, regardless of fiction or real life it doesn't matter.


Oikawa, Maruyama and the manager got a lot of nerves showing up here after what they did to Tsuzaki. One is a little white lotus and the gold digger while the others were fooled by her lies. What Natsumi say is true, even a apology isn't enough.


19:17 Sanae had every right to say this. Tricked or not, they both chose to believe Oikawa over Issei just cause she was pretty, and they think a simple apology will make it better?

It's probably been said before, but if these people used their brains for more than 2 seconds, these problems never would've happened


Oikawa reminds me of Malty from Shield Hero, who is a manipulative woman that does everything for her own gain and destroy someone's lives. But this time, Oikawa is not just manipulative, but also a gold digger that treats men as a foolish atms. She deserved to be sued by having affair and probably from damages from her former company.

Maruyama and his manager deserves that punishment. They let themselves being manipulated by Orikawa and choose to believe her over Tsuzaki. Of course Tsuzaki won't forgive them easily for what they did to traumatize him. Serves those antagonists right!


Afterstory: Thanks to Natsumi, Akane and the others, Tsuzaki finally able to cut ties with them, after all he had no feelings with them. Since the rumour spreads so fast that Oikawa, Maruyama and the manger were being trashed by everyone. Oikawa kept playing victim but this time no one believes her and the male colleagues doesn't want to stand by her side. Maruyama's parents disowned him after they heard from the neighbours and the manager is being forced to resign. People starting named them, "traiors" and" the boy who cried wolf"and " troublemakers".
Extra: Now Oikawa work as a janitor to clean the toilets, Maruyama work at the convenience store while the manager works at the security guard from day to night. As for Tsuzaki, he dated with Natsumi.


Lex had a same situation like Tsuzaki, he was being isolated by his classmates and his teachers because of female classmates like Oikawa. You see, when he was in elementary schooll, one of the female classmate confess to Lex but Lex refused. Being rejected, she started playing victim. Long story short, his home room teacher and his classmates started isolated him. Long story short he decided to talks to my parents, in the end they stopped bullying him. But still, they didn't apologise to him. Then when he was senior high school, this situation was the same and it got so bad that Lex picked a fight. Good thing that my parents stand by his side but again they didn't apologise to him. Long story short, he decided not to trust girls. So you see, this give Lex a trauma. (Is there any way to help Lex to trust girl? )


15:50 So she ruined his life cause he didn't simp over her? I wish I could say this was my first time seeing this. Also the manager got what he deserved for instantly believing Oikawa and not even listening to Issei


Well, that old saying holds true: *_"One bad apple spoils the whole bunch._*
Another is: *_Never chase after either a skunk or a skank. It NEVER ends well. "_*


Today is my best friend's 20th birthday, and I think I should share this story. Let's call him A.
While I am currently in my 3rd year of college, back in the 7th Grade, I had been falsely accused of assaulting a trio of girls. Now the trio of girls enjoyed quite the clout in school as they had a lot of friends due to their parents' influence and one of the girls (the trio's leader) was an upcoming child-actor in a very popular soap opera on TV. So you can get a picture of how snobbish the girls truly were. They enjoyed harassing me as I was the newly shuffled student in class, and they especially loved grabbing my lunch away from me. I gave (and still give) people a portion of the lunch if they simply asked for it, but these girls were too proud to ask. One such day, I got fed up and chased after them as they were running away with my tiffin box. As soon as I cornered them, they screamed out about how I was about to touch them. At this time MeToo movement was at its high and not a lot of cameras were around, so naturally people assumed I was the bad guy. My case wasn't helped by the fact that a lot of jealous batchmates had been spreading unfounded rumours about me and getting a lot of my "old friends" turned against me, even after those rumours had been proven to be false. In this case it was wilder as my Basketball team senior beat me on my face with his shoe, making a spectacle out of it. This led to a nightmarish week for me with social isolation, snide remarks and threats. I gratefully thank my Chemistry and Physics teachers for finding holes in the girls' story, and getting their "friends" to fess up the truth. In all this nightmare, A, who I had only known for about 2 years as he had transferred to the school in the 5th Grade, never treated me differently. He still hung out with me, had his lunch with me and did his best to defend me, even when he was bullied for doing so. He was one of the few people other than my family members to stop me from going mental and comforted me throughout the week. When my innocence was proven, he celebrated that day with me in the school canteen, and I remember him mocking back the "righteous" bullies and my "old friends" for being idiots.
Its know been almost 11 years since our friendship started and seeing this story just made me appreciate my best friend even more as he had stood up to his then-crush (their feelings were mutual and she was one of my classmates) who was wary of me as a possible attacker, even though I was the one who had introduced them to each other.
Happy Birthday to the best Bro ever!!


Love akane she is so clever💛 it was a nice story lovekoi


This Akane looks too similar to Karin from Etra.

Megumi was a total mess with all of those lies and behavior.


if you truly care about someone you won't just believe someone lie and fake crying you wil give that pearson the chance get proof that they do not do any thing worry


Every flower has their thorns for her she’s toxic.

At least they know now
But it seems like it’s too late


You three reap what you sow Oikawa, Maruyama, and the manager
