Driving in Rain Soothing Sounds from The Road Sleep, ASMR, Relax and Study

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Driving in Rain Soothing Sounds from The Road Sleep, ASMR, Relax and Study
Date recorded: April 7, 2023.
Equipment used: GoPro 9/10, Zoom H8 | Camera mounted middle to passenger side.
Video and audio edited in Vegas Pro and Soundforge Pro.
Filmed a relaxing drive in the rain up 35 north in Texas. Video includes heavy rain, big trucks and roadside scenery.

Recorded Created and Produced by
David Keller
Copyright © 2023 DreamWorld/David Keller
All rights reserved.
All original audio/video/illustrations/animation

I want you to sleep to natural sounds for relaxation, meditation, and sleep. Also, use it while doing your homework or just because. Rain sounds can be quite refreshing for your brain. It gives you that calm soothing feeling of relaxation and peace that makes you feel safe. I've been listening to rain since I was 16 yrs. old and always felt a connection to its sound. When it first starts from the smell rain exudes to the symphony of distant thunder it emanates. The sound of water droplets falling into puddles and white noise that sends positive vibes throughout my body. Pure relaxation at its finest with deep concentration of thoughts blooming throughout your mind. The raindrops reach out and tickle your soul with each splash that lands. I sleep to it, write to it, use for deep moments of mindful rest, and just as a background ambiance in my everyday life. Sleep well everyone.

© DreamWorld 2023. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of all or part of this video/audio/illustration/animation is prohibited.
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To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏


I know this is a pretty old video, but for all of these videos, how do you not get the sound of the engine or car in the audio mix? Or like the sounds of the tires on the road with the water? I've seen some other peoples videos of recording while driving and it catches those moments whereas this kind of sounds like a recording of rain pilled on top of the driving, which is still soothing and kudos for you. But I was kind of just wondering how this was recorded, audio wise at least?


Thank you for making it possible for me to experience this again. I love being in a car in the rain, it’s rather cosy😊


Never thought someone would be able to make I-35 seem relaxing😂😭


To anybody who'# reading this. You are reading. 👍


Seriously ... These videos are gold. All of the fake rain sound videos just can't compare. You can instantly tell the difference. This immediately draws in your senses and allows you to let go of thoughts and relax.


If you are reading this, may God remove your doubts, worries, and fears and replace them with good health, happiness, and peace. 🥰


I am 81yrs now. Very tired of the pain, anxiety and negative I'm surrounded by. I will be returning Home soon and cant wait. My sweet dog, Izzy, is waiting for me, I'm very excited to see her. To all of you listening to this music from our angels, please care for yourself. Listen to what you need, I did not. I was a nurse for 54 yrs and wore my spirit and body down, not thinking of what I needed. So, listen to your soul, follow your guides. God bless.♥


Thanks for cooling down my hot summer nights, couldn't sleep without you atm 😂


I use this rain sound as a background sound when I'm doing my homework! It really is calming and relaxing so if you want to study or do your homework, this one is totally recommended! :D


I love sleeping under the sound of a rain, especially when the rain drops hit the windows loud while your feeling warm and cozy inside, instant goosebumps, goodnight sleep well friends.


Thank you for creating this video it has helped me sleep more soundly consistently, for those of you who are struggling I hope life will cut you some slack soon. ❤


It won’t make me sleep. I keep trying to read the signs to see what restaurants and gas stations are at the next exit!


Great video. From one driver to another...nice stuff!


I used to drive from San Antonio to Dallas every month and know where i am just by seeing the exit numbers. Thanks for reminding me of the good times I had when i lived down there


Makes me kinda wanna live out in a cabin in the forest. Alone with nothing but nature. Maybe spend my days writing by the fire with the window open listening to these kinds of sounds


POV:me reading these comments and eventually i will get sleepy enough, with my phone just on looking at comments😂


I truly came here for resolution, for peace and serenity . Life can be alot sometimes. You’ve not lost yourself remember that, others are doing their own thing, their own reality, don’t wish it were any different .wishing you happiness


Thank you so much for the great video it's amazing your channel I love all the videos❤


Relaxing and refreshing for summer nights. Thank you. 🌟💕
