Complete CRUD Operation in Android Studio Java with SQL Server | ProgrammingGeek

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Just follow these steps-
1. Create a new android application.
2. Design the android page with TextView, editTextName and button control.
3. Create database and table in SQL Server.
4. Connect SQL server with android studio.
5. Write code to execute CRUD operation in android studio with SQL.
You should have installed SQL server and android studio with JDK and SDK. You can use SQL server integrated with visual studio instead of SQL Server management studio.
To download .jtds file go to this link
This tutorial also covered-
1. Creating new android app in android studio.
2. Creating SQL server database and table in SQL server.
3. Creating class in java to connect SQL server database with android studio.
4. Place the SQL Server database details to the connectionURL in connection class.
5. Using the class in button OnClickListener.
9. Finally write code in each button click event to perform CRUD operation in android studio with SQL server step by step.
Noted that you must have enabled TCP/IP in SQL Server. If you change TCP/IP you must restart SQL Server Service.
public Connection connectionclass() {
Connection con = null;
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy tp = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
try {
String connectionUrl = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://" + ip + ":" + port + ";databasename=" + databasename + ";User=" + username + ";password=" + password + ";";
} catch (Exception exception) {
return con;
-- Code in onCreate event
public void onClick(View v) {
Connection connection = connectionclass();
try {
if (connection != null) {
} catch (Exception exception) {
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#CompleteCRUDOperationInAndroidStudioWithSQL #CRUDInAndroidStudio #InsertDeleteUpdateSearchInAndroidStudioWithSQL #CRUDInSQLAndroidStudio #CrudOperationAndroid
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