Scientist Reacts to 'A Biblical Response to the James Webb Space Telescope'

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AiG must spend so much time trying to “explain” away all the new science we are discovering. None of that fitting a young earth.

And once again congrats Maddie. So excited for your new life! 😄


Okay, I've not watched the video yet, but that title... I'm going to need facepalm protection, aren't I?
...Well, I checked the description. AIG? Yeah, I'm getting a pillow to inevitably scream into.


Very frustrating that they try to shut down any thought on the part of their readers and followers. Why can't we just observe the universe and collect information without the botherers feeling like they need to step in and corrupt their people with silliness?

Apparently, we can't have nice things.


New subscriber here. I really enjoyed the video. I look forward to seeing more. You're passion and enthusiasm and obvious intelligence is most compelling. Good luck with the baby.


Instead of Psalm 19, they should have gone to Psalm 8.3-4, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”

Not only is young earth creationism an extreme and inaccurate view, they’re a miniscule minority of all Christians. They wouldn’t be worth the time to rebut them if they weren’t politically important. We, who don’t take the Bible literally, do so on the basis of studying the Bible itself.


Hey, you're looking great!

Also, I'm glad you're prioritising your health. Heat is no joke! Now, on with watching the video.


On catch here. I notice that not one of those James Webb photos actually any photos from above earth don't show the pearly gates and St Peter tbf Peter would be too small to resolve, but we don't even seen see sign posts to heaven, strange that.


I knew they will do something extra dumb after I saw JWST images


How do they think this is any different to visiting a museum and looking at old photographs of the past or pulling up the family photo album? 
Besides what was the measurement of time during the creation in the Bible? 
2 Peter 3:8 states "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day", so time mentioned in the Bible is meaningless..


I wondered if this would have Lisle's voice in it. Nah, seemed like pure Ken Ham dictation. Excited to see you take on some direct Lisle content again 😃


I find it interesting AIG is not going w/ Dr Russel Humphrey's idea for how to deal with distant star light.


Talk about begging the question, using the Bible and assuming it’s the word of God would seem to be as fallacious as he attempts to claim JWST is. And I think it’s a case of circular reasoning. God wrote the Bible proving the existence of God.
YECs make Christians look stupid. I was raised as a Christian in a small Christian town of 1500 people. Never once did any Christian I knew think that creation was six thousand years old. The Torah didn’t even exist as a book until about 2500 years ago. Saying Genesis is an eyewitness accounts would mean someone was there to observe it happening and then passing the story along mostly verbally for 3500 years with no changes. But we also know that the Torah came together as a book until after the Babylonian captivity and that the Adam and Eve story was plagiarized in part from the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh. So how can the Bible be trusted even as an historical account, much less scientific?


Genesis 1 does *plainly say 6 literal days.* There was a dusk and a dawn for each one.
The only cautioning is that the author didn’t think days and nights depended on the sun’s visibility to the viewer, since there were three dusks and dawns before the sun was created.

The numbering does not change the meaning of Yom. Yom means Day/Daytime/workday in every verse in Tanakh where it is used.

Details on request.


God bless You America because You are awesome for Humanity and discovery.


The premise of an infinite diety can't be compatible with a 6000 year old universe. I suggest that this diety could avoid infinite boredom by bringing into being an effectively infinite number of independently acting entities.


I'm trying to think up a way to test the 1 way speed of light. Nothing to report as of yet but I have a few ideas that I think might work. I think geometry might be the key. Good show. Dumb people. Hi baby. 👋


What a book of fairy tales has anything to do with reality is beyond me,


I saw you in Dr Kent hovind debate I'm glad that I find your channel.your a scientist but I wanna know if you believe on what they called God.Watching from the Philippines


Tell baby to leave the spleen alone, and also August 10 is a good day to be born


How do you feel about Dr. Lisle's predictions being accurate regarding the JWT?
Funny how an insane Young Earth Creationist got his predictions right when all secular scientists were wrong and instead had to change the entire timeframe of the universe based in the JWT's findings.
