FULL INTERVIEW: Richard Medhurst

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Renowned independent journalist and broadcaster @RichardMedhurst joins George to look at the reaction at home and in the Arab world to the death of Queen Elizabeth. Is it time for change, should there be a referendum on who is head of state?
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I will cry for Julian Assange and his family not for the QEEN or any royal.James Bergin Airdrie Scotland


All those people waiting to see the Queens coffin, they do not understand that their parents and grandparents could be in coffins during the winter, dying from starvation, hyperthermia or just simply depressed and giving up in a country that doesn't care. The Queen or King could step in and I believe over rule the government when we really need them to stand up for us and protect us. If the Royal family don't help protect us then I'm afraid it's time to end this waste of money. Learned some history today from George that I'm totally ashamed of. Surely the Queen could have stopped some of these horrible actions in recent history. Great to see George and Richard on the same show. Thank you, keep up the good work both of you. Kind regards


I just love Richard's perspective and heart. I wish he could be heard by hundreds of millions of people.


Very intelligent and well-spoken this man needs a much broader platform
☝️🇵🇸 #freepalestine 🇵🇸✊


Brilliant young Rich is! Grateful we have his voice as we do have yours Sir Galloway.🙏🏼


My 2 favourites. Unbiased news much love from UK


To of my fav ledgend truthtellers and beautiful souls👑❤


I really love your title of “soap opera” for all this melodramatic showcasing of a royal funeral at a time when the world is suffering from the aftermath of a pandemic and even at the precipice of WW3.


Unless the reigning king or queen of England can have some influence on the British government, can’t see how the monarchy's existence is of any use.


U need to host Scot Ritter! Great expertise in the Russian Ukrainan war


Richard is a spokeswoman for human right and humanity respect treatment. The few that exposed what the superpowers have done and doing today.


Parliament is where reform needs to happen.


totally agree with richard👍 about the royals, disappointing 😓


The monarchy is a waste of money and resources. This ridiculous adulation is proof that a whole lot of people never grow up, always looking for some kind of parental figure to save them - something that never happens. Nor do they acknowledge the carnage created by this stupidity.


Richard I have always been frank with you. Galloway has become extremely commercial with his lucrative sponsor. I find it corrupting and suspicious for a commentator to be so tied tomcorporte interests. I suggest you keep your distance from him. He is moving to the right as his expensive suits and habberdashery increase in his wardrobe.


That Glasgow Parliamentary Debating Association Tom 1876 to 2009. Glasgow city chambers. He British government. GPDA it old British Empire. Arthur Balfour Tory Prime minister politically Thomas. . Appreciate your work. Awesome. Excellent channel.


I think there should have a referendum on picking who should have been our king or queen....after all it's the people's choice who rules them.


I was always lead to believe, that the monarchy always had the power to step in and overrule any rogue polotician or rogue government, but she didn't, just sat back and took the money 😡😡😡


I had a Thought That All These People were sent a check to come to the Funeral!


I regard and acknowledge the former authority the monarchs used to have along with their prestige and powers but since we are talking about the overrule of democratic power over the monarchial consent, our homeland of KANGLEIPAK was merged with the Indian government by the forceful coercion of our titular king although we had a constitutional governance at the time of independence from the British. The king was coerced at gun point as it's proven by numerous historical facts overall. We the people of KANGLEIPAK were not consulted while joining under the deplorable Indian governance (if you are unconvinced i suggest you the deplorable situation of the minority groups of India of which we come under. ) There's documents and report after the recollection of historical proof showing we were never a part of the political structure India was destined to be. We had our own leaders struggling and stiving for a whole different system of governance along with the true socialist form of governance who had been destroyed by the Indian government as residents after taking control over our region at gun point. We would have been a prosperous junction between Asia and India had we not been occupied by Indian military. We could have been a business hub and a tourist spot across the region had we not been heavily militarized and other sanctions against our people. We used to be self sufficient to survive but now it's a different story with the community falling apart from Indian divide and rule policy. But we will still hold our stand no matter how strong they try to destroy us.
