How To Show Love To Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

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If someone is making threats to harm themselves, don't EVER ignore them. Call the suicide hotline and get them help immediately. This is coming from someone who actually lives with Borderline. We don't say we're going to harm ourselves for attention. We do it to FEEL something. I can't believe this video has been up for 6 years with over 21k views with the wrong information. You want to show love to someone with Borderline? Give us space when we are upset, but don't ever, EVER ignore threats to harm ourselves. And you're not Borderline if you're doing it for attention. Thank you. #I am Borderline #End the Stigma


I realised this on my own just about a year ago. I started telling people to just ignore me when I was acting out and some did and that helped. But others got mad and couldn’t understand why it was okay for me to trash talk them and get mad “without any reason” while they weren’t allowed to change around me or stand up for themselves.

Today I do my best to not show my “personality swings” for people I am not very close to. But my closest couple of friends are acting perfectly fine which has helped me control my BPD a lot!


Thank You so much for sharing! You have Helped me understand how I was re enforcing the behavior by responding! You are Inspiring and helping others by sharing! Thank You! Thank You! Blessing to you!!


As someone with BPD myself, and having a best friend with BPD I'm guilty to admit that I'm also guilty on the pleasing side, this has been eye-opening, because I'm in my character people-pleasing, and I don't want to lose them (they is non-binary), it only makes it so difficult, because they have had unsuccesful SA's. If there are tips to handle this, they are greatly valued, because I'm in the constant fear that those episodes can evolve in another SA.


If I've ever ignored any negative comments from my partner, I get told that I don't care and that I don't show support. I think ignoring these comments sometimes is a wrong way to go about it but please to anyone, correct me if I am wrong


I know that if you are truly prepared to do the work, you can improve. I am not saying recover, nor am I talking about a cure. I would not say 100% of people but I would say that you can have BPD and be mentally healthy.


Thank you for being brave and sharing your story!😊


Why doesn’t anyone talk about the spiritual aspect of this? It’s a spiritual issue and the solution is to accept and receive the love of God. That’s how you heal and restore the spirit everything else is just coping mechanisms


My daughter has bpd. Thank you for sharing.


Is this really the best approach? Venting can be healthy


you seem like a decent enough guy to me.


For the past couple of days my boyfriend has been in and out of a rut. Last night, after I worked, we were talking on the phone and everything was fine.

But something hit and then everything was not fine. He spilt EVERYTHING onto me. He said that he wanted to drive to see me, see another friend, and then go see the ocean one last time. Presumably before he ended it. Before this, he would call me and not say anything. We would be face timing and he wouldn’t even look at the phone.

Sometimes when he is down if he tells me what’s going on in his mind we can kind of externalize what’s happening and see the ludicrousness of it. Find the reality that he is not bad, he is going to get better (he has only been to one therapy session, his next one is Sunday) etc. so, I tend to ask him to verbalize. He took that as permission to “vomit” as you said all his emotions.

I did exactly what you said someone who is hit with all those emotions would do. As in I had no clue what to do. I just started crying, which made him upset because he doesn’t want to hurt me. I’m in a weird place in this moment because he hasn’t reached out sense last night.

Thank you for this, when he is starting to feel better I’ll show it to him and maybe I can apologize for asking him to tell me what’s in his head.


How sweet thanku my friend is is soooii helpfulx


Is not responding to someone who expresses suicide thinking, the best way? Is this only for those with BPD?


It's impossible for us to live a normal healthy life that's just my opinion and therapy all my life and I'm impossible to deal with
