[Brance] LIVE!! Shiny Volbeat in Platinum after Around 16,000 REs

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Brance's Shiny Firefly.
Hi everyone! Since coming out of retirement, I've decided to upload future videos for Brance on Willow's and my channel since we're married, live together, and most future Shinies will be found in the same room anyway. He's kind of a Shiny Twin since he hunts shinies sometimes and has a twin. :) Brance will only be filming one game at a time, so whatever he gets on his capture card will be uploaded here. If the title of any given video says [Brance] it's his! :D
This Volbeat was found as a phase for the final member of the Sinnoh DTQ a bunch of us did back in like 2017/2018 or something lol. He was going for Pinsir and will continue here to finish that quest.
Willow and I will of course continue uploading Shinies here (on and off due to taking breaks, even long ones, over time). But we'll probably always be back intermittently.
Thanks for watching!
Hi everyone! Since coming out of retirement, I've decided to upload future videos for Brance on Willow's and my channel since we're married, live together, and most future Shinies will be found in the same room anyway. He's kind of a Shiny Twin since he hunts shinies sometimes and has a twin. :) Brance will only be filming one game at a time, so whatever he gets on his capture card will be uploaded here. If the title of any given video says [Brance] it's his! :D
This Volbeat was found as a phase for the final member of the Sinnoh DTQ a bunch of us did back in like 2017/2018 or something lol. He was going for Pinsir and will continue here to finish that quest.
Willow and I will of course continue uploading Shinies here (on and off due to taking breaks, even long ones, over time). But we'll probably always be back intermittently.
Thanks for watching!
[Brance] LIVE!! Shiny Volbeat in Platinum after Around 16,000 REs
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