LIVE!! Shiny Murkrow after a Certain Amount of Encounters I can't remember [Diamond Shiny Run #11]

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Brooke's Murkrow
Ancient video from before Willow and I started playing critically acclaimed MMO FF14 online now free until level 60 including Heavensward. Sorry for being gone for so long! :O
Finally going back and uploading some videos in preparation to hunt a bit again. Honestly don't even remember what's in here so enjoy hopefully! LOL. Let me know if I say how many encounters this was. Pretty sure I still need to hunt a legendary to complete this quest. Also have the last team member to upload.
Ancient video from before Willow and I started playing critically acclaimed MMO FF14 online now free until level 60 including Heavensward. Sorry for being gone for so long! :O
Finally going back and uploading some videos in preparation to hunt a bit again. Honestly don't even remember what's in here so enjoy hopefully! LOL. Let me know if I say how many encounters this was. Pretty sure I still need to hunt a legendary to complete this quest. Also have the last team member to upload.
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