How August Would FIX RYZE

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Artist: Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Clocktower

Credit: AugustUwU, ihatemyteam, The Jungle Arc, DISCO4Life

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brother will be reworked for the 8th time


Hear me out... five different versions of ryze from the shattered timeline, one for each role.


So he needs some Work to be Redone on him, Re doing Work you may say, A Rework sort to speak off.


This is ignoring how long ryze stayed at 45% or less winrate. Everyone that liked to play him moved on to other champs and it will probably take a while for players to try him out again


I used to LOVE to play Ryze. Despite never getting higher than Gold (although to be fair I don't really play ranked much) I could actually genuinely feel my ability to apply skill expression on the champion. His combos werent like many other champs where it's almost always optimal to spam your spells in basically the same way, and I truly felt satisfied when I made an outplay or carried a teamfight with a big combo.

Changing his Flux spread the way Riot did basically killed the champ for me, as like Augist says here, now his spells are cookie cutter in their application again like many other champs and he offers far less skill expression and outplay potential.

I get why they did it, because his ultimate is absolutely insanely powerful in pro play, and he was nearly meta-proof as far as viability is concerned. But it's too far the other way now, just spams the same combos over and over mindlessly which killed the theme of a learned and studious mage like Ryze.


just stick with something and make it interactive!!! the problem with ryze ult is that its completely disconnected from his entire remaining kit


I just want the spell vamp aoe spell ult ryze back. That shit was so fun


2017 Ryze was the one i learned and loved to play. I used to pratice his combos and try and get the best out of the situations, was actually one of my mains. After the reworks it just never felt the same and i stopped playing him, really hope they make him harder and more rewarding to play again


His ult is so stupid it’s almost never used outside of trolling or flex queue


Ryze is in the unique position of having a loyal fan and playerbase while you're still finishing the champion. Maybe listen to a few of us about how we liked our complex fighting game mage character in League of Legends. Combos were fun. Turning 3 buttons into near infinite ways to approach a fight, while also making each of those 3 buttons feel intuitive in what they do but ineffective in using them alone WAS the fantasy. Ryze was Hwei, just shorter range and faster.


Ryze like the league equivalent of getting too many plastic surgeries.


All according to the plan, revert or rework shield /new ult into the kit (and preferrably kill the passive that makes it so we get yewted into 44%winrate if seraphs is ever changed)

Ryze is a really cool/fun scaling battlemage (last version was really nice) but this iteration was just not it.


His ult is nice, but because it has the potential to be super powerful with a coordinated team (like in pro) it feels like his whole kit has to be nerved to account for that, which makes him feel kinda weak qeqwqeqwqeqwqeqwqeqw.


Have multiple versions of Ryze in the game at once, each centered around a different rune. The version you load in as when you start the game is semi-random, with the probabilities changing based on the temperature, weather, and socio-political leaning of your area.


Pros DON'T PLAY FOR BROKEN they play for SKILLS this is living proof of them nerfing high skill champs or nerfing them so they are not picked in pro is just stupid.


imagine being gold elo and getting to dictate any champ balancing, or having anything come out of ur mouth thats not poop, cause ur not even good enough at the game to know how anything works. riot august can.


I honestly liked the pre reqorks kf ryze, lantheon, zilean, and gangplank.

I understand why they changed them since they essentially jave identical kits, however they still jad their own niche roles.

Additionally, ryze is even more like pantheon now since his ult is identical, except he's ap instead of ad.


In my experience Ryze is like a hyper apc. He is weaksauce early on but as he gets his 2nd or 3rd item he becomes very scary to deal with and his damage massively spikes.


Ryze was the most fun when he was a combo machine with bou cing orbs and his spellvamp ult. I remember learning ryze and having an absolute blast and buying the gandalf ryze skin cause it was so fun. Then they reworked him and I tried to keep playing him but his charm was gone. But thats what riot ALWAYS does.


I’ve always been confused about why they chose to make his ult a teleport. i liked the idea of it buffing his spells
