7 Psychological Tricks That Work On Anybody

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The human mind is a complex system and with some simple psychological tips you can control yourself, look more attractive, and even spend less money. These 7 psychological effects have the power to control a lot of your actions, but as long as you keep them in mind you can stand strong against them and use them for your own good.
Ask yourself from time to time, "Am I doing this simply to make somebody like or notice me or because it's what I really want?" And be honest!
Try to keep your mind clear and stay critical. Taking part in a questionnaire or survey doesn't automatically mean that you're supposed to give a positive review of the product just because somebody considered you an expert in this particular field.
The best way to get something off your brain is to always finish what you’ve started. If there's no way you can do that in real life, then do it in your head. Every time you buy something really expensive, try to be honest with yourself and ask, "Am I paying for the quality or the ‘ooh’s’ and ‘aah’s’ of people around me?"
Don't be afraid to look clumsy or do something stupid. In fact, this will only make you cuter and more relatable! These kinds of people seem more approachable than those who strut down the street like royalty.
Not nearly as many people as you think actually notice your mishaps because they’re all too busy worrying about themselves! If you have a coffee stain on your shirt or a big zit on your cheek, don't focus on it so much.
If you suddenly feel unwell in a public place and you need help ASAP, don't address the whole crowd by shouting “Help!” or “Call 911!” Choose one specific person. This way, you’ll have better chances at being heard and getting the help you need.


The Social Facilitation Effect 0:44
The Hawthorne Effect 1:45
The Zeigarnik Effect 2:49
The Veblen Effect 3:51
The Pratfall Effect 4:54
The Spotlight Effect 5:44
The Bystander Effect 7:00

-People tend to act differently depending on whether they’re alone or in the presence of others.
-The Observer Effect happens when people modify their behavior if they know they're being watched. When you’re involved in something new and are interested in some experiment, you subconsciously act in a more eager or enthusiastic way.
-People are better at remembering information or events that were left incomplete or unfinished.
-If you’re a slave to the constant new releases of some phone or luxury bag or whatever, then you've already fallen into the Veblen Effect trap.
-People who make silly mistakes or even sometimes look funny seem more attractive and charming.
-The Spotlight Effect makes people believe that others notice them more than they really do, especially their faults.
-The Bystander Effect says that people are less likely to provide help to a victim if there are others present.

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The Social Facilitation Effect 0:44
The Hawthorne Effect 1:45
The Zeigarnik Effect 2:49
The Veblen Effect 3:51
The Pratfall Effect 4:54
The Spotlight Effect 5:44
The Bystander Effect 7:00


I always experience the "Spotlight effect" whenever I'm outside, probably the reason I'm really shy back then 😂😂


Wow....they really added three minutes of black screen just so they could get the ad revenue.


I remember hearing a lot about the bystander effect in the course I took while training to become a lifeguard. It’s something you have to learn to overcome.


I don't buy a lot of expensive things because that's not where my values are. And anytime I see someone in need of help, I jump into action. My motto is to do the right thing, even if no one notices. It's the act, not the reward, that counts.


5:37 Seriously! Was she washing hard disks?! 🤔


That change to audio near the end freaked me out.
Especially since I was watching this video to relax after fixing my computer...


#2? The best advice I was ever given was this. "You wouldn't worry so much about what other people think of you if you knew how seldom they do." I also noticed when we had to stand before the class and give a 10 minute technical speech in college, nobody that hadn't already given the speech even pretended to pay attention. So volunteer to go first and you don't have to worry about people judging, or stareing at you.


For number 2, I always ask myself how many people do I notice when walking in public. When I realize that I don't notice others as much because I am usually focused on where I am going or what I am doing, I find that the same probably is true for others and I feel much better.


the bystander effect has killed quite a number of innocent people. Sad fact.


There is also dark side on this video. 😊


When you put a black screen at the end so the video goes over 10 mins so you can put another ad on


I was in a bystander effect situation years ago. I worked in a boarding house with about 24 individuals living there. I was attacked by boyfriend during an argument. Not one person helped me or anything. If a friend had not of showed up when they did I could have died. Over 25 years later I still have to cut my t-shirts at the neckline, or only buy v-neck or button-up kind of shirts. Once you are choked to the point of blacking out nothing can be tight around your neck. Sadly I still love choker necklaces but can not even try one on. I also can not not help if someone is fighting, screaming or hurt physically. I have been told before "not to get involved", "stay out of it", or things of that nature. I can't, it is against my nature.


I can vouch for the 'spotlight effect'. Some years ago I was challenged to shave my beard to raise $50 for cancer research. After I went up onto the stage and let them shave my beard, somebody said they'd give $100 if I let them shave my head too. Cancer research was a worthy cause, so I agreed. Then somebody offered $500 if I let them shave my eyebrows... I wasn't so certain with this one, but eventually let them shave my eyebrows off when the offer was raised to $750. Two days later I was flying to another country for holidays, and hadn't thought about my passport photo looking quite different....

I had no trouble at Immigration, and the really amazing thing is that not a single person noticed my eyebrows missing.

25 years on, and I had a large portion of my right ear removed due to skin cancer. I had prepared a story about getting in a fight with Mike Tyson... but not one single person has ever noticed that one ear is quite a bit smaller than the other, even when I point it out.

People truly don't look at you as much as you think!


the #1 can also be cancelled if one person starts to help, people will not accept they look morally better than them and will often start helping as well. This happened to me in the street, a person was feeling weird, I've noticed him because I've walked behind him for a few minutes. He passed out and a few people took a side step to avoid him, when I reached him I started checking for breathe or a pulse, he was still alive just inconscious. I didn't have any phone back then (it was the early age of cell phone) so I shouted if someone had a phone, 3 of them replied, one of them earlier just pretended not to have noticed.


That last tip was golden. I'm going to try it next time I need help.


1:03 IS THAT GOLDEN STATUE KORO SENSEI!? *Salutes and cries*


The last one happened at one of my softball games. The umpire felt really dizzy and everyone was just looking around and asking who will call 911 but finally my mom called bc no one else would.


I've actually participated in all of these scenarios, and for some of them I immediatly asked myself if it's real or if it's just in my mind. That's so funny how easily our mind can be fooled !


Back in the good old days when people used to hang their laundry out on a clothes line, a woman was hanging her laundry out to dry in her back yard. It happened that her next door neighbor had also hung her laundry and then left to run errands. The woman noticed that some of her neighbor's laundered items had come loose and fell in the dirt. She goes over and gets the dirty items and takes them back to her house, rewashes them and then hangs them back on her neighbor's clothes line securely. She never mentions a thing about it.
