What is the Creepiest 'GLITCH in the MATRIX' you've Experienced? - Reddit Podcast

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Voice Actor - Ryan Henning
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Listen man, our devs are working hard to keep the Matrix bug free. Please let us know of any glitches the moment they happen.


I once unlocked 3rd person mode for like 1 second. I immediately stopped what I was doing and just stood there, amazed and confused by what just happened.


My glitch in the matrix is one that haunts me even today. I was in one of the twin towers in 9/11, and woke up as the building collapsed. This was three days before it happened. I will never forget watching the news to hear about the twin towers. To this day, it still haunts me.


Had my glitch in the matrix (or straight up premonition) when I was a teen. My parents had left for a romantic vacation and I stayed at my best friend for the week. A night or two before my parents came back I had a dream where they sat me at the dinner table and started talking while obviously dancing around the subject, until, from behind the cookie jar, they pulled a small ring box and they announced that after many years of being together, they would finally marry. Looking at the ring I then asked "Are those zircons" (why brain?), they answered, etc.
Woke up, jokingly mention the dream to my friend, blah blah.
Then parents come to pick up later in the week. First thing they did is sit me down at the table...the exact same conversation, word for word, same motions and same placement of everything in the scene. That "Are those zircons" words I said? I said them too even tho I heard the answer in the dream and I *couldnt* stop myself from asking it. (Trying not to think too hard about fate and free will here)
Parents were spooked by my lack of surprise. Explaining the weird dream to them made it even more bizarre.
Déja vus are common, but that...


0:58 my sister had something like this. She spent 5 in dream days in a zombie apocalypse. She spent real time walking to a nearby town to get food for a supermarket. When she woke up, she was distressed and checked her phone to see if a zombie apocalypse actually happened


I see my husband's doppelgangers everywhere. I was in McDonald's with his grandmother and even she was shocked by how the cashier looked exactly like him. I was with a group of his friends and they were surprised to see one, down to the key lanyard hanging out of his pocket. I saw one in Target, when I knew he was at work and I almost called out to him. Someone needs to get IT on the phone because it's beginning to get disturbing.


I've had a lot of these 'glitches in the matrix' growing up. One of them involved me predicting that I would develop a brain tumor.


Story 4 is the whole reason I am never getting a night job, I get scared easily and just the phone ringing would have me out the doors running for my car.
Edit: if I were to answer the phone, I would not go go to the 23rd floor, I would be dialing 911.


Story four.. Okay i have a theory: So basically the guy said he saw his afterimage, what would happen, if actually he was experiencing something real freaky? If the guy went for the door and slammed it shut after someone slammed it shut, what if the guy was already there once and he was just mirroring himself? What if the guy was in a parallel universe, where he couldnt see the himself in the other universe, and the guy from the other universe couldnt see him either? The guy was doing exactly what the other guy in the parallel universe was doing, but a was a little late with it? I hope y'all understand


One of my close friends worked in the mall under the twin tower. She had no eyes problems prior to 9/11 or since. She was a workaholic and manager and would never miss work. She was supposed to work on 9/11 but woke up blind and could not even get out of bed. Towers were hit and fell. Next morning when she woke up, she could see again perfectly. That was the only thing that kept her home that day. Still get chills when I think about her telling me about this.


i’ve felt deja vu a lot and every time it happens i end up having to ask at least 3 different people if it’s happened before in order to stop it, and my mind will randomly create fake memories and only remember dreams that fit into real life


The stuck in bed one is definitely sleep paralysis. It was the scariest experience of my life, pure terror. Woke up the next morning and my twin brother asked me if I was saying his name last night. I was trying to scream it but it only came out as a strained whisper in the moment because it was standing on my chest.


I sometimes believe that dreams are different realities.

Last story sounds like secret underground work.


I feel like the only glitch in the matrix moment I had was in high school. My English class had read "To Kill a Mockingbird" and our teacher told us when the final was. I was completely chill with it, as reading was my hobby and had finished the book before most of my class. A few months before the final, however, I had a dream I was taking the final. There were a bunch of strange questions on there (one was something like "in what chapter did Atticus get drunk"), but there were some serious questions too. I remember waking up that morning and going back in the book to check if Atticus really did get drunk, but that wasn't true. After that, I wrote it off as a weird dream and forgot about it.

Fast forward to the final, and I had the biggest shot of deja vu, because I _knew_ I had seen these questions somewhere before, and I had answered them before. So I answered them as I remembered and got 100% on the final. It wasn't until later that I remembered where I saw them.


Ok, so, some of the earliest memories I've had I swear were real but are so trippy.

So I was in my apartment building when I was 3 or 4, wandering around the lobby while my mom talked to a neighbor while waiting for the elevator. My mom and I had just gotten back from the grocery market and from running a few errands. I wandered towards the door, as you do, seeing my reflection, and everything looked normal.

I turned around, and mirrors, a maze of mirrors. My mom called to me, but I didn't listen. I was too engrossed in the beauty to my right, a beautiful greenhouse that was in the next room. I walked towards it, opened the door, being lured to it like a sailor to a siren song. I turned around, hearing and seeing my mom call for me right as the door began to close. She had her big blue bag, and she was right by the elevator. Weird thing was, her voice seemed like and echo. I, now getting out of my fantastical phase, began to panic. I screamed "Mama", but no matter how many times I tried to go closer, the image of the mirror kept breaking.

At this point, I had begun to wonder if i had been dreaming. Surely i had, right? But I was wide awake.

I sat down on the floor, beginning to cry. I screwed my eyes shut, and I was back in the lobby. I turned around, still wanting to go back to that magical greenhouse.

And then my mom grabbed me, murmuring something to herself, and dragging me towards the open elevator.

I kicked, which was unusual for me, as I was a very tame child, but I kept trying to tell her about the green room. She, not knowing where this had come from, considering I was a very facts-and-logical child who loved outer space and anatomy and archaeology, asked me where it was.

She turned around, telling the neighbor to go on ahead.

I pointed, and the room was relatively normal, except the walls were mirrors, and the greenhouse was still in the corner.

She told me to lead her to it, and i did.

The doorman was looking at me like I was crazy.

I reached out for it, and then I felt the corner.

All of a sudden, the greenhouse was back to being a dingy old beige corner and the room was back to normal.

I sat down and began to cry, wanting to go back.

My mom called the elevator, dragged me inside, and all I could think about was how real it was.

To this day I have no idea what that was. Still one of the earliest memories I have.


this is really tame compared to everyone else's dreams, but one time when I was a kid I had a marble that I really liked that went missing for about a year, I then had a really clear dream that I rolled it out from behind the couch in the living room. When I woke up I thought, "eh, why not, I'll check there." I shit you not, I rolled it out from behind the couch in the exact same motion that was in the dream


Had a weird thing happen in middle school where on my way to lunch there was a stair case where you could see all the way down it, and I dropped my lunch ox down it and I watched it hit the floor and I kept an eye on it until I went all the way down, and I was about to pick it up, and then I blinked and it disappeared. Still haven't seen it since.


I remember getting up one night to go to the bathroom. As I'm peeing, I blink my eyes, but couldn't open them for a second or two. When I did manage to open them, I was back in bed, and I still needed to pee. It was so weird and felt so real.


I actually have gone through many of these occurrences. I had a dream about saving a few of my friends from a shooting at a strip-mall. I specifically remember seeing a full view of the parking lot. A couple months later, a news story shows up on TV about a shooting at a spa. The parking lot looked *exactly the same.* i have many other stories if you would like to hear them as well.


I can relate with story 14. I too one time was standing in my kitchen, when suddenly I felt dizzy and I couldn’t move. Soon I could see myself just standing there, looking like I was zoned out. This lasted for 10-15 seconds until finally I snapped back into my own body, and was able to move again. This has yet to happen to me again, and that was the only time it has ever happened to me. Odd.

Edit: I also wanted to add that my mom was walking around the kitchen and cleaning while this was happening. Obviously she didn’t think much of me staring into space as I tend to daydream and zone out a lot. Except I could see everything she was doing, but from a different perspective. Also, I was facing away from her, so there is no way that I would otherwise be able to see her. When I came back to my body she was cleaning the exact thing I saw her cleaning while I was having the weird experience.
