Все публикации

Picking Favorites Can CHANGE A Kids Perspective

Rats Can Be Racist...

I Found out Some SAD INFORMATION about My Husband's Past

My Husband Thought Children Were a WIFE'S Responsibility

I Found Out My Boyfriend Did Something HORRIBLE Before I Dated Him

Some Dude Blackmailed Us Because We Had a Party...

I Went to a Party Where NO ONE Showed Up...

I Saw My Date in Her Birthday Suit BEFORE Our First Date

We Called the Cops on a CREEPY Guy...

I Saw My Final PAYCHECK Before I Was Even FIRED

My Daughter was on the Show Divorce Court

Reality Shows Will RESHOOT Scenes if the Audience isn't Loud Enough

My Dorky Kid Writes About Swords

My Oldest Kid is a CRY BABY

This Imagine Got Burned into My Brain...

What CHURCH Do you Attend?

What's Your Zodiac Sign?

I Married a Woman for Her Papers...

My Mom is a Dates... A LOT

My Mom Brought a Scumbag to Our Apartment

I Work at a 'NO KILL' Shelter

I Get to Teach People About Animals

I Walk Dogs for a Living... and Love it

Have you been MISDIAGNOSED, if so HOW did it AFFECT you?