Bill Nye Ken Ham Debate Summed Up In Two Very Telling Answers

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"On Tuesday evening more than 3 million people tuned in to watch "Science Guy" Bill Nye debate Ken Ham, founder of the biblically literalist Creation Museum on the topic "Is creation a viable model of origins?"

Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern, scientific era? Creation Museum head Ken Ham is joined at the Creation Museum by Emmy Award-winning science educator and CEO of the Planetary Society Bill Nye.
Mr. Ham believes that the world was created over a six 24-hour-day period about 6,000 years ago, and that all living land animals today are descended from those taken aboard Noah's Ark some 4,500 years ago.

Nye challenged Ham's literal biblical view on several fronts, pointing out that radioisotopic and ice core data shows that the Earth has been around for far longer than the 6,000 years that Ham says it is, as does our ability to view stars that are more than 6,000 light years away. Nye also pointed out that Noah's Ark, were it constructed the way the Bible says it was, wouldn't actually stay afloat. "* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more here from Sudeshma Chowdhury / Christian Science Monitor:



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Рекомендации по теме

If nothing in reality would change your belief, then your belief is based on nothing in reality.


How to become an atheist:

1 - think about any religion other than your own
2- think about three reasons that you don't believe that religion to be true
3 - apply those reasons to your own religion


"Would anything change your mind?"

Ham: "No."
Nye: "Evidence."


If you're told a lie enough times you'll eventually accept it as a truth.


"The bible says."

You have to prove the bible is correct first before using it as a legitimate source, you missed a crucial step there Ken.


The second Ken Ham said "No you will not convince me that the Bible is wrong", Bill Nye (or anyone for that matter) should've said "Then what is the point of this debate?", because if you've decided from the get go that your just going to reject any and all arguments and evidence presented to you, then debating you on anything is pointless. Ken Ham did this debate for one reason, to partake in ideological self-indulgence. He basically just wanted to spout his beliefs and ignore what anyone else had to say. Bill Nye won this debate before he stepped out on stage.


I watched the entire debate! Anyone else?


How Bill kept himself from walking over to Hams podium to strangle him is beyond me. That takes a degree of professional restraint that is not of this world.


On behalf of Australia, I would like to apologize to all thinking and educated people for giving you Ken Ham.


The debate in a nutshell:
Bill Nye: *responds with logic*
Ken Ham: But the bible!
Bill Nye: *responds with facts*
Ken Ham: But the bible!
Bill Nye: *responds with more facts*
Ken Ham: But the bible!

It's like playing chess with a pigeon.


This is why Dawkins no longer debates creationists.
Who was it who said debating a creationist is like playing chess against a pidgeon. It knocks over all the pieces then claims it's won.


Buddhism doesn't support creationism, just want to point that out.


Bill Nye the Science guy vs Ken Ham the Creationist man.


To simplify John's point at the end:  when a Christian asks me why I don't believe, I say, "do you know all of those other religions out there that you reject?  Well, I feel the same way about yours."


I have studied Buddhism and there is absolutely no crazy dogmas or insane stories of killing or destruction or punishments. It is pure psychology and examination of the ego and self. There is no hype for either heaven or hell. Both are considered residing in samsara still which is not the purpose of Buddhist thought. With all that said are there violent Buddhists in the world? Sure but nothing in the sutras suggest this behavior so their motivations for violence come from other sources and had they in fact practiced the dharma they wouldn't be resorting to violence.


As an Australian, glad we got this one off our soil haha. Yet another crazy nut


This really shows the difference between Christians and Atheists.


Using the bible to validate the bible is like pointing to a rainbow and claiming that it validates leprechauns because there must be a pot of gold at the end of it...


I love how you could give an oral thesis, supported by facts, logic, reasoning and empirical proof for over half an hour, only to see all of it dismissed with "that's not what it says in the Bible, so it's not true".

Bill Nye should be commended at length for not facepalming every time Ken Ham opened his mouth. How could any rational human being in 2016 possibly buy into this religious nonsense?


I love how Bill Nye just stares at Ham while Ham is talking. He's being respectful but he looks so concerned like he's questioning Ham's mental health...which is a valid concern.
