On the Freemasonic Roots of the Ecumenical Movement - St. Seraphim of Sofia

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St. Seraphim of Sofia discusses an important aspect of the Ecumenical Movement in the 20th century: Freemasonry. Presenting to the Moscow Pan-Orthodox Congress of 1948, which included representatives from nearly all autocephalous Orthodox churches, St. Seraphim highlights the well-known Freemason, John Raleigh Mott, the main promoter of "unity" among separate Christian groups. Mott spearheaded the 1910 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh and the first meeting of the World Council of Churches in 1948. Mott helped send Protestant student missionaries with the YMCA to evangelize Orthodox countries and for his ecumenical efforts won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. St. Seraphim understands that ecumenical efforts only serve to blur the boundaries between the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church (the Orthodox Church) and other sects claiming to be part of the Church. Such blurring draws people away from the only place, as St. Seraphim teaches, men can become saints: the Orthodox Church. Unfortunately, despite St. Seraphim's warning of the sinister nature and dreadful consequences of the Ecumenical Movement for Holy Orthodoxy, the Patriarchate of Moscow joined the World Council of Churches at its Third Assembly in New Delhi in 1961 and has been one of its most active members ever since.
-READ the book of his life and works:
-READ a brief account of St. Seraphim's life here:
-RESOURCE to help laity write respectful letters to their hierarchs:
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This recording is an excerpt from "Does the Russian Orthodox Church Need to Participate in the Ecumenical Movement? (Part II/II)":
TEXTS on Freemasonry and Orthodoxy:
-Freemasonry: Official Statement of the Church of Greece (1933):
-Freemasonry and the Orthodox Church. This article details, among other things, that Ecumenical Patriarchs Meletios (+1935) and Athenagoras (+1972) were Freemasons:
VIDEOS on Freemasonry from an Orthodox viewpoint:
-Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios on Revelation
-Freemasonry: Today’s Satanic Gnosticism by Fr. Peter Heers (analyzing the teachings of Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios)
BOOKS/ARTICLES on Ecclesiology and Ecumenism:
--Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Fr. Seraphim Rose
--The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism by St. Justin Popovic
--The Missionary Origins of Modern Ecumenism by Fr. Peter Heers
--A Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism (signed by saints, elders, hierarchs, priests, and laity around the world):
--On Common Prayer with the Heterodox According to the Canons of the Church by Fr. Anastasios Gotsopoulos
St. Seraphim teaches:
From this, it is obvious who really stands behind the ecumenical movement: Freemasons, longtime foes of the Orthodox Church. It is also clear to what end the ecumenical movement, at all of its gatherings since its inception, has striven: not a dogmatic union of all so-called “Christian churches” with the Orthodox Church, but a commixture of both, achieved by means of the falling away of the Orthodox from their Faith through an ecumenical familiarity with heretics, especially with Protestants. This commixture is equivalent to the destruction of Orthodoxy.
For not joining the ecumenical movement as the Orthodox ecumenists have, we are accused of an essential lack of love for non-Orthodox Christians. However, through their involvement in the ecumenical movement, Orthodox ecumenists break the Holy Canons; violate Orthodox ecclesiological dogma; establish friendships with Protestants and Freemasons at ecumenical gatherings, which makes them lenient toward Protestants propagandizing in Orthodox countries; and assist the enemies of the Orthodox Church in their work for Her elimination.
Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!
-READ the book of his life and works:
-READ a brief account of St. Seraphim's life here:
-RESOURCE to help laity write respectful letters to their hierarchs:
-FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you:
This recording is an excerpt from "Does the Russian Orthodox Church Need to Participate in the Ecumenical Movement? (Part II/II)":
TEXTS on Freemasonry and Orthodoxy:
-Freemasonry: Official Statement of the Church of Greece (1933):
-Freemasonry and the Orthodox Church. This article details, among other things, that Ecumenical Patriarchs Meletios (+1935) and Athenagoras (+1972) were Freemasons:
VIDEOS on Freemasonry from an Orthodox viewpoint:
-Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios on Revelation
-Freemasonry: Today’s Satanic Gnosticism by Fr. Peter Heers (analyzing the teachings of Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios)
BOOKS/ARTICLES on Ecclesiology and Ecumenism:
--Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Fr. Seraphim Rose
--The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism by St. Justin Popovic
--The Missionary Origins of Modern Ecumenism by Fr. Peter Heers
--A Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism (signed by saints, elders, hierarchs, priests, and laity around the world):
--On Common Prayer with the Heterodox According to the Canons of the Church by Fr. Anastasios Gotsopoulos
St. Seraphim teaches:
From this, it is obvious who really stands behind the ecumenical movement: Freemasons, longtime foes of the Orthodox Church. It is also clear to what end the ecumenical movement, at all of its gatherings since its inception, has striven: not a dogmatic union of all so-called “Christian churches” with the Orthodox Church, but a commixture of both, achieved by means of the falling away of the Orthodox from their Faith through an ecumenical familiarity with heretics, especially with Protestants. This commixture is equivalent to the destruction of Orthodoxy.
For not joining the ecumenical movement as the Orthodox ecumenists have, we are accused of an essential lack of love for non-Orthodox Christians. However, through their involvement in the ecumenical movement, Orthodox ecumenists break the Holy Canons; violate Orthodox ecclesiological dogma; establish friendships with Protestants and Freemasons at ecumenical gatherings, which makes them lenient toward Protestants propagandizing in Orthodox countries; and assist the enemies of the Orthodox Church in their work for Her elimination.
Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!