LTSpice: Stepping Values in You Simulations (064)

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In this video I will show you two methods of stepping values in LTSpice.
The first is the easiest and can assign many multiples of values either in a list, in a linear progression, or using either an octave or decade methodology. The downside is that it is limited to stepping a maximum of three components at a time in any given schematic.
The second is a much more complex methodology, but it will allow you to step the values of as many components as you might choose to set up to step in your schematic. It is intended to be used to determine the effects of component tolerances on the performance of the design. As such, it performs its simulation on the maximum, minimum and nominal values of the components.
Also in this video, I show you how to navigate the many plots generated by this stepping process. I do this in two ways: using the native capabilities of LTSpice and using a spreadsheet like Excel.
Below you will find the promised links and information.
PSpice directives for copy and paste:
.func wc(nom,tol,index) if(run==numruns,nom,if(binary(run,index),nom*(1+tol),nom*(1-tol)))
.func binary(run,index) floor(run/(2**index))-2*floor(run/(2**(index+1)))
.param tola=.1
.param tolb=.01
.step param run 0 128 1
.param numruns=128
Component Values for our example:
{wc(0.1u,tola,0)} === C1
{wc(2.4k,tolb,1)} === R3
{wc(1u,tola,2)} === C3
{wc(100p,tola,3)} === C2
{wc(160k,tolb,4)} === R4
{wc(0.1u,tola,5)} === C4
{wc(1k,tolb,6)} === R6

========= LINKS FOR YOU ===============
LINK to download the **FREE** LTSPICE program:

LINKS to the Linear Technology Technical Articles

LINK to the ZIP file with the Spreadsheet, LTSpice files and Copy & Paste text file
Time Markers for Your Convenience
00:05 Introductory Comments
01:19 The Easy Way: the ".step" command
03:58 Our Example Project
04:29 Assigning Component Values
05:11 Creating the ",step" PSpice directive
07:17 Simulating the Circuit & Getting Results
07:47 The More Complex Method: It does a LOT more
08:53 What it does & How many runs/steps?
09:43 Defining the PSpice Functions that do the work
10:35 Determining what component I want to step
11:08 Establish "variables" for Tolerance Values
12:09 Create the PSpice directives for the Stepping Parameters
13:51 Assigning Values to the Components
15:31 Simulating the Design
16:03 Navigating the Data
16:08 Using the Native LTSpice Capabilities
18:26 Using a Spreadsheet like Excel
20:52 Final Comments and Toodle-Oots
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