Lecture 6: Simulation with LTSpice | Basics of SPICE and its models

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This videos covers the basics of SPICE engine for circuit simulation. Step-by-step demonstration of LTSpice is given for beginners.
Model files of NMOS and PMOS discussed in lecture:
***************** NMOS model begins here ********************
.model NMOS NMOS(Level=1 VTO=0.7 GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.9 NSUB=9e+14
+ LD=0.08e-6 UO=350 LAMBDA=0.1 TOX=9e-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0.56E-3
+ CJSW=0.35E-11 MJ=0.45 MJSW=0.2 CGDO=0.4e-9 JS=1e-8
+ CGSO=0.4e-9)
***************** NMOS model ends here **********************
***************** PMOS model begins here ********************
.model PMOS PMOS(Level=1 VTO=-0.8 GAMMA=0.4 PHI=0.8 NSUB=5e+14
+ LD=0.09e-6 UO=100 LAMBDA=0.2 TOX=9e-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0.94E-3
+ CJSW=0.32E-11 MJ=0.5 MJSW=0.3 CGDO=0.3e-9 JS=1e-8
+ CGSO=0.3e-9)
***************** PMOS model ends here **********************
#ltspice #SPICE #Mosfet
Model files of NMOS and PMOS discussed in lecture:
***************** NMOS model begins here ********************
.model NMOS NMOS(Level=1 VTO=0.7 GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.9 NSUB=9e+14
+ LD=0.08e-6 UO=350 LAMBDA=0.1 TOX=9e-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0.56E-3
+ CJSW=0.35E-11 MJ=0.45 MJSW=0.2 CGDO=0.4e-9 JS=1e-8
+ CGSO=0.4e-9)
***************** NMOS model ends here **********************
***************** PMOS model begins here ********************
.model PMOS PMOS(Level=1 VTO=-0.8 GAMMA=0.4 PHI=0.8 NSUB=5e+14
+ LD=0.09e-6 UO=100 LAMBDA=0.2 TOX=9e-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0.94E-3
+ CJSW=0.32E-11 MJ=0.5 MJSW=0.3 CGDO=0.3e-9 JS=1e-8
+ CGSO=0.3e-9)
***************** PMOS model ends here **********************
#ltspice #SPICE #Mosfet
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