How to install expandable container house in 2 hours (2022 new style)

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Expandable container house become more and more popular in our lives, the video shows every detail of how to install the house, follow the instruction, there will only cost in 2 hours to assemble after you receive the folded container home from the port.

Follow the steps
1. Check all the accessories
2. Stick D tape adhesive on the top
3. Pop up the wall panels
4. Stick inner tapes
5. Fix corner coverings and floor covers
6. Assemble the windows
7. Assemble the skirting lines
8. Assemble the kitchen cupboard
9. Assemble the light
10. Assemble the locks of the door
11. Assemble the pinch plate on the roof
12. Fix exterior roof corners

Live wherever you want with this incredible portable, pre-fabricated, expandable container home. This durable and stylish home is your go-to solution for reloadable, affordable living. Wherever you decide to live, we can ensure you'll be living comfortably and securely. This container home is easy to deliver and assemble and comes complete with all you need to feel right at home.

The expandable container house is composed of a steel structure and EPS/ROCK WOOL/PU sandwich panels. Normal size is 37m² , 55 m² and 74m². It includes bedrooms, a living room, dining area/kitchen and bathroom. The house comes equipped with full electrical wiring to many countries' standards, power points and a circuit board. Because of its complete functions and convenient installation, also could make off grid solar panel. this expandable house is perfect for a man cave, vacation houses, secondary family houses, office spaces, granny flats, temporary accommodation, donga, pool house, gym, teenagers retreat, home office, pickers shack, shearers cottage, FIFO home, and even AirBnB apartment, etc.

Live wherever you want with this incredible portable, pre-fabricated, expandable container home. This durable and stylish home is your go-to solution for reloadable, affordable living. Wherever you decide to live, we can ensure you'll be living comfortably and securely. This container home is easy to deliver and assemble and comes complete with all you need to feel right at home.

For more information, please check our website:

WZH expandable container house, sweet magic house.
Рекомендации по теме

Marvelous, I call every construction company and every local authority of every country to start build this kind of basic housing for everyone


A solution is on a platter for the world here and now ho li e the dream now


Do the modular houses ship to New Zealand, and if so, what sort of price are we looking at? Thanks!


how much is deleivery cost to USA and is their electrical or plmbing in it? Do local city councils approve it. Do technicians assemble it or isit p to the buyer and finally can it withstand strong weathher sch as heavy rain or snow/ intense heat


These videos never show how to do the electricity/ the water system and it’s the only thing that worries me


Für welche Außentemperaturen ist es sehr gut geeignet?
Ist es gut gedämmt???


Can you put a wood fireplace inside once put together?


Where’s the electrical hook up ? Is it us ready wired?


Launch. Container. Facteries. Hostels. Also. For. .easier


can we have a price please shipped to port of Brisbane Australia


What's the price for a 40 ft model? and what's the shipping price to NZ?



Salve vorrei sapere il prezzo di questa casetta e se spedite in Italia


how much until in South Africa Cape town??


In all videos who shows this container houses there only show how to asamble inside but you never show from where is like the incoming of fresh water, where the dirty water goes out, and how is the conection to the electricity from the government . ok you can put solar panals on the top but then you need a batery for saving the energy when there is no sun.These are things never showed in these videos.
