BREAKING NEWS! Robert Downey, Jr. OFFICIALLY Joins Marvel's The Avengers 2 & 3

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Get the scoop on Robert Downey, Jr.’s return as Marvel’s Iron Man from the host of Marvel’s The Watcher, Lorraine Cink!


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Fox and Sony don't really care about Avengers having Spider-man or X-men, it's all about the money. They just keep them to their selves so that they can milk it. Which is selfish and sad, but companies do these kind of things all the time. I believe that Joss Weadon is not doing this for money, he really knows what he's doing. He won't screw up like with X-men. Whether Marvel gets their characters or not, the movies will keep coming and most of them will be great.


I read somewhere that he got several times more than all the rest of the cast in The Avengers combined... o.O


Well, Universal technically did Incredible Hulk (an MCU movie), instead of Paramount.

Disney and Marvel should NEGOTIATE with the two companies. FOX, STOP MAKING THESE MOVIES AND SURRENDER X-MEN TO DISNEY!


Again, only Fox has the movie rights to X-Men. When Fox made the deal, no one else was aloud to make X-men movies, not even Marvel, which is dumb. Marvel doesn't have rights to a lot of their characters. Quicksilver is both an Avenger and an X-men, so they can use him in Avengers to some extent. In Avengers 2 he will not be called Quicksilver, because the rights of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are split between both companies. In Avengers 2, they may call him by his real name, Pietro Maximoff.


petitions will not work, Sony have already stated thatthey will never think of letting Spidey return to Marvel

i would like them back aswell, but i am fine and i accept the fact they are with Sony and Fox,

plus Marvel already said that just cause they get the back the rights doesnt means they will make movies about them or include them in the Avengers, they just got back Daredevil and Ghost Rider but they have plans to make films of them or have them in the Avengers


Are u kidding me?? This is Awsome. So he is going to appear in the judge, then he is going to be in the avengers 2 and 3 I wonder when Sherlock 3 will come out?


Great news but i wonder what happened with hemsworth as Thor and wotsherface who played blackwidow. They got pathetic pay for the first one. Hopefully they got better this time round.


Avengers 2 = Thanos

Avengers 3 = Ultron (Is this mean Tony will killed by Ultron ?)

Avengers 4 = Skrulls

Avengers 5 = Galactus & heralds


No. He will only be joining The Avengers 2 and 3 but not Iron Man 4. I guess it's going to be Johnny Depp.


Yessss! Now just need hope, that he will be in Iron man 4 ;)


they cant buy them back, as i told u early, the only ways that Marvel can get them back is if

1. Sony/Fox decides to give them back by their choice (Sony gave them back Ghost Rider)
2. if they stop making movies for a period of time (that happened with Hulk, no hulk sequel was made so he returned to marvel back in 2006, happened with Daredevil in 2012 too, fox didnt made a new film so they got him back)

those are the only ways, theres no other ways (unless sony adn fox closes down)


They CANT buy spidey, Sony not giving Spidey back.

just deal with it and accept, Spidey not returning with Marvel anytime soon, PLUS even if he returns, doesnt means we will get a new SPidey film or that he will appear at all, cause Kevin Feige said that just cause they get the rights of a franchise doesnt means they will make a movie of him.

they got back daredevil and ghost rider recently, but no movies of them are being made recently, and they are not appearing in the Avengers yet


if Rhodey and Pepper could wear the suits without reactors in their bodies, Stark can weak one too, plus as seen in Iron Man 2, the Mark 2 had a reactor of its own, so Stark just need to build a reactor for the suit

and that will never happen, plus Sony said they wil never, ever, ever, ever, ever going to let Spidey go, so doesnt matter if Disney offers them a huge amount of Money, Sony will keep Spidey.


not forever. one day they will return, but not anytime soon

Spider-Man, X-Men and The Fantastic Four can only return if
1. Sony/Fox decides to give them back (like Sony did Ghost Rider
2. They dont make anymore new films in time (like what happened with Daredevil, Fox could not make a new DD film in time, so DD returned to Marvel)

those are the only ways they can return.


I dont see how Marvel is competing themselves man. Just because the Avengers and X-men are in the same Marvel Universe, it does not mean they are competing. Its not like they are going to be released the same weekend, or even month. So neither one will steal the others Thunder. Its all Marvel so a win-win for them.


They cant be sued by that. they're not violating anything, Marvel gave the characters to them, they didnt stole them or used them without permission, Marvel gave them the characters, so Sony and Fox have permission to do their films, so they are not violating anything, therefore they CANT be sued


theres nothing to suggest he stopped being Iron Man, just cause he blew up his suits doesnt means he wont do more armors, he only blew them for show pepper that he will spend more time with her, instead of simply focusing on doing armors all the time


Universal distributed it, they didnt made the film Marvel made film. Universal only made the 2003 one.

Fox will not stop doing them. just accept it, Spidey, FF and X-Men will not return anytime soon. accept it and move on


I wish someone else was cast as Tony Stark... SAID NO ONE
Robert Downey Jr is Tony Stark, and I probably wouldn't watch the Avengers 2, 3... If he wasn't playing Iron Man. RDJ
