Israeli West Bank Annexation: Possible Scenarios

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#i24NEWS #Annexation #Israel

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I think all Arabs will apply for isreali citizenship. When they get frustrated with Abbas.


De facto, it's all Israel anyway, politically, economically, strategically.

There is no solution to this conflict, as long as the "rules in this game" is divided 99:1... lasting peace requires resolving the underlying, main disputes (= peace mediator Galtung).

Israel: lasting peace
Palestine: viable statehood


Judah have you seen your brother, Joseph?  Your brother Israel whom you sold? (2 Kings 16:7-8)  How could you?  The blood of your brother cries out from the ground where you spilt it.  I gave ear to
your prayers at the wailing wall.  Was there a single tear for your brother? Have you used My Name to exalt your brother to the nations?  No!  Judah your appetite for his blood is insatiable!  Was it not my design to unite you with Esau during the days of the Maccabee’s?  For Esau your name was made to align you with the blood of your brother Jacob whose cries have made it to the gates of heaven. Esau you have sold your birthright. Each time you inflict torture upon them are you weeping?  No, you sing and dance with joy upon their graves.  You are truly the son of your father Judah who desired to kill him (Genesis 37:19-20) and then sold him into slavery (Genesis 37:26-27).  Am I indebted to you?  Very well, I shall repay you for your acts of righteousness.
