The Uruk-hai LOTR 2.02 [HD 1080p]
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Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers Extended HD 1080p Xvid AC3. Watch in 1080p fullscreen, enjoy. Medivh.
Merry! Merry!
You're late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats now.
I don't take orders from Orc-maggots. Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them.
Merry! Merry! Wake up! My friend is sick! He needs water. Please!
Sick is he? Give him some medicine, boys!
Stop it!
Can't take his draught!
Leave him alone!
Why? You want some? Huh? Then keep your mouth shut.
Hello, Pip.
You're hurt.
I'm fine. It was just an act.
An act?
See? I fooled you too. Don't worry about me, Pippin.
What is it? What do you smell?
They've picked up our trail! Let's go!
Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent. Hurry!
Come on, Gimli!
Three day's and night's pursuit, no food, no rest, and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
They may yet be alive
Less than a day ahead of us, come!
Come Gimli! We are gaining on them.
I'm wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances.
Rohan. Home of the horse-lords.
There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us.
Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?
The Uruks turn Northeast. They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!
Merry! Merry!
You're late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats now.
I don't take orders from Orc-maggots. Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them.
Merry! Merry! Wake up! My friend is sick! He needs water. Please!
Sick is he? Give him some medicine, boys!
Stop it!
Can't take his draught!
Leave him alone!
Why? You want some? Huh? Then keep your mouth shut.
Hello, Pip.
You're hurt.
I'm fine. It was just an act.
An act?
See? I fooled you too. Don't worry about me, Pippin.
What is it? What do you smell?
They've picked up our trail! Let's go!
Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent. Hurry!
Come on, Gimli!
Three day's and night's pursuit, no food, no rest, and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
They may yet be alive
Less than a day ahead of us, come!
Come Gimli! We are gaining on them.
I'm wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances.
Rohan. Home of the horse-lords.
There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us.
Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?
The Uruks turn Northeast. They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!