You Should NOT Be a PTA If...

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You should not be a PTA if you have this characteristic. This video breaks down concerns people have about going into physical therapy and becoming a physical therapist assistant (PTA). It covers if you are an introvert, small, old, shy, and other things that might stop people from becoming a PTA.
These are just my random thoughts so lets have a conversation in the comment section about this topic!

*** How To Become a Successful PTA Course***

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I agree with the points you are trying to make here. I’ve been working as a PTA for an outpatient clinic for over a year now. The job is very rewarding but can be mentally draining for an introvert. I’m introverted and shy and it took me a while to find out what my strengths are in the field. One of those strengths is the one on one interaction with my patients and being a good listener. It took a lot of failed attempts and awkward moments of small talk to figure out how to overcome my shyness. I still shrugged with it at times but I don’t let it get to me.
If you’re an introvert, you will need time to yourself. Take the time to be alone for a while to reset your brain a little. It will help you cope with stress. Overthinking is bad and doubting yourself is a waste of time.


I love your attitude. I've been an elementary school teacher, changed to personal training and group exercise and now here I am, applying for PTA school in St Louis. I really appreciate your insights and encouragement. Thanks!


Thank you for this! I'm currently in my 3rd semester of PTA school and I Love it. At times when there's a lot to study, I second guess myself but then I remember my WHY.... and I get back on track. I love the PT community and really enjoy seeing people get better. School is not easy but it's worth it. My advice for anyone second guessing is to volunteer at a rehab facility and talk to other PTs and PTAs... You'll just know by being it that environment.


Graduating May 18th from PTA school. School was tough, but worth it! Thanks for the videos man.


Love your videos ! Starting my program prerequisites spring 2020 ❤️


Just found out I got into my program starting in Fall! Thanks for all the advice in the many videos dude!!!


So refreshing, Definately needed this encouragement. The test..3rd getting closer and closer. Having the book smarts has never come easy for me so its pretty easy to get frustrated and discouraged. This is my 2nd degree, my first being art, has been a real challenge. Being a tech at the moment lets me how much I care about people, so I just need to be patient with my studying. Or I could always become a zookeeper. Thanks again!


Just finished my first semester of prerequisites and man it was a challenge but I had fun and I'm going to try my best to get into the PTA program . You encourage me a lot to keep moving forward along with my friends and family so thank you and continue to be awesome


I followed you months ago randomly because you make great videos about being a PTA and you make me laugh😁
Much love!!❤


Man I needed this ( I’m not so much on the “smart” side I want to start school this fall.


Appreciate the information. Thanks for taking the time to put these videos together.


Honestly. Thank you, I needed this video.


Definitely have been enjoying your content for some time now, thank you! I'm 3 weeks in to my first clinical. Im greatful to be here, but school has never came easy to me. Now that I'm here, I'm not sure this is for me. I feel like you have to be a robot. The people in the office are nice enough, but I can't even wipe something down without being told, how I'm wrong, in some way. The hours are long and, its hard on my knee. It feels worse than being in school. Im going to keep going as of now. This full time in the o.p. clinic, is not fulfilling. It seems, like you need to be full time, to have the constant experience, and be on your game. Im exhausted, i want to cry like every other day. Not sure how I will fit in anywhere in this field. 🙏🏽☕😻🍕


earned a sub bro, thanks for the info :) keep up the content! I’m going into PTA this september and looking forward to it. Your vids keep me informed


I'm applying for the program second week of June for the spring program, super nervous but excited!! I also have. possible PT tech job coming up and currently almost have 80 hours of observation.


really interested in this so much >..< I'm gonna go to my school this friday to ask about it so thank you Antonio, new sub here!!


I really appreciate your videos. Thank you!!


Ditching my bachelors degree to try and become a PTA. Not good at science but we’ll see how it goes 😅


im gonna be a senior in hs this year, I am hoping to apply in the fall to a school for their PTA program. Do you have any advice on what kind of things to include to help yourself get into a PTA program/ what the schools like to see on application


Thank you for this video Antonio! My question is I have a right leg I can't pivot on anymore and would that hold me back in the field?
