Proof and Problem Solving - Sets Example 01

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Given a set written using an elementhood test, we explicitly list all elements of the set between braces, {}. Several different examples are provided.

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Hi Adam, thanks for the videos, they're really helping me get to grips with this topic. Please would you explain why your last example does not go to infinity into the negative numbers, so that x is an element of {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2}? It seems that if I follow the rules with x = -3, it follows the rules of 4 * -3 = -12 which is less than or equal to 8. Cheers


Hello, at 0:56, you say that 0 is an element of natural numbers, which is not correct. N is a subset of W (Whole nos) that contain 0 too. But N={1, 2, 3...} and not W={0, 1, 2, 3...}.
